Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Los agricultores de patatas de la NEPG enfrentaron costos crecientes, menores rendimientos y nuevos desafíos en 2024.
Diciembre 16, 2024

Los agricultores de patatas de la NEPG enfrentaron costos crecientes, rendimientos más bajos y nuevos desafíos en 2024.

La mayoría de los agricultores de patatas en la zona de la NEPG tuvieron mucha suerte durante octubre y principios de noviembre para terminar la cosecha, aunque parte de la cosecha se realizó en condiciones muy difíciles y costosas.
Europa: desafiante temporada para los países productores del norte
Septiembre 20, 2024

Europa: desafiante temporada para los países productores del norte

Holanda, Francia, Belgica y Alemania han tenido una temporada difícil aunque en el marco de un crecimiento de 7% para las hectáreas totales dentro de la Unión Europea.
Shortages in the Dutch Seed Potato Market: HZPC's Strategic Response
Septiembre 01, 2024

Shortages in the Dutch Seed Potato Market: HZPC's Strategic Response

Gerard Backx, CEO of the Royal HZPC Group, says there is an imbalance in the Dutch seed potato market. He expects less volume of these potatoes to be available this season. Although there is a good tuber count in many areas, and the harvest should be successful, the wet summer significantly damaged some areas.
Strong increase in HZPC grower price
Marzo 16, 2024

Strong increase in HZPC seed potato price

The forecasted price for seed potato growers of HZPC Holland for the 2023 harvest is EUR 50.70 (USD 50.20) per 100 kilos. This price is more than 35% higher than the price of the 2022 harvest.
Holanda: problemas de suministro para industria y precios históricos
Marzo 11, 2024

Holanda: problemas de suministro para industria y precios históricos

La temporada de cosecha relativamente mala hizo a una disminución en la oferta que se traduce en precios altos y falta de stock para cumplir con las necesidades del sector industrial.
Q-Potato Holland Team
Febrero 21, 2024

Small seed potato crop results in historically high prices

Seed potato acreage is shrinking in the Netherlands, Germany, and France.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Potato Statistics NEPG countries (Excluding Seed and Starch potatoes)
Febrero 06, 2024

Growing potatoes is never a smooth ride!

In season 2023, potato growers in North-western Europe were confronted with difficult weather conditions, a high disease pressure and rising costs.
NAV: Contract prices for consumption potatoes must increase 10% in 2024
Enero 08, 2024

Dutch farmers organisation (NAV): Contract prices for potatoes must increase by 10 percent

The Dutch Farmers Organisation (NAV) has again calculated the expected cost price of consumption potatoes for the coming season. The cost shows a slight increase compared to expected cost price for the 2023 harvest.
Excessive rain delays potato harvest in North-western Europe, creating new uncertainties about the total production (Courtesy: Dewulf)
Noviembre 27, 2023

Excessive rain delays potato harvest in North-western Europe, creating new uncertainties about the total production

Due to abundant rainfall, a lot of potatoes in North-western Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France) have not yet been harvested. The lifting period was too short to get the potatoes to the stores in good conditions.
Dick Hylkema, director of the Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)
Septiembre 12, 2023

Dutch potato chain could play a very important international role

The Netherlands' development as an agricultural country and retaining enough farmland. And ensuring potatoes remain in Dutch consumers' minds.
Major shortages and unprecedented high prices in the European potato market
Junio 15, 2023

Major shortages and unprecedented high prices in the European potato market

Robert Voskamp of the Dutch company Rola Fresh said that he has never seen the potato market this hot.
US Potato Prices Expected to Ease but Maintain Elevated Levels: Rabobank Report
Junio 06, 2023

US Potato Prices Expected to Ease but Stay Elevated according to Rabobank Report

The Rabobank report on the US Potato Industry anticipates good prices for the remainder of the 2022/23 marketing year, particularly as the year comes to an end before the new crop harvest begins.
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Agrico expects to achieve a considerably higher price
Mayo 03, 2023

Agrico expects to achieve a considerably higher price for its potatoes

Potato cooperative Agrico announced to its members an average price indication of EUR 35.50 (USD 39.20) per 100 kg for all supplied kilos of 28 mm upwards for seed potatoes from the 2022 harvest.
New potatoes in short supply, so Maltese potatoes most welcome
Abril 11, 2023

New potatoes in short supply, so Maltese potatoes most welcome

The Dutch company Altena Potatoes received its first full truckloads of Santé potatoes.
NEPG: How will the potato market in North-western Europe develop?
Marzo 21, 2023

NEPG: How will the potato market in North-western Europe develop?

In Northwestern Europe (EU-04; NL, DE, BE, FR) the potato sector is facing a range of issues in the upcoming months. The million dollar question: How will the potato market respond? An analysis by the NEPG.
Potato breeding company HZPC is on track for the expected result of the financial year 2022-2023.
Febrero 18, 2023

Potato Breeding Company HZPC financial results in line with expectations

Potato breeding company HZPC is on track for the expected result of the financial year 2022-2023.
Agrico realizes record sales in an improving market
Diciembre 20, 2022

Potato cooperative Agrico realizes record sales in an improving market

Potato Cooperative Agrico held its annual central members’ meeting, during which the financial statements of 2021/2022 were explained, and the members looked ahead to the new harvest year.
7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range
Noviembre 19, 2022

In the Netherlands, 7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range

In the Netherlands, 31 parties in the table potato chain sign a covenant in which they commit to switch completely to organic robust potato varieties, including 7 supermarkets.


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