Comercio de la Papa

26 Kilometer Zone Re-opened to U.S. Potatoes; Rest of Mexico Still Closed
Julio 14, 2014

26 Kilometer Zone Re-opened to U.S. Potatoes; Rest of Mexico Still Closed

U.S. shippers can resume exports of potatoes to Mexico starting July 7, but only to the 26-kilometer (about 16 miles) zone along the border previously allowed before exports to the entire country were approved this spring - only to be rescinded less than a month later.
Prohíben entrada de papa fresca de Estados Unidos a México
Junio 18, 2014

Prohíben entrada de papa fresca de Estados Unidos a México

Con el objetivo de evitar daños al medio ambiente, un juzgado federal en Sinaloa prohibió el ingreso de papas frescas procedentes de los Estados Unidos a territorio nacional.
Mexico said to block US potato imports
Junio 09, 2014

Mexico said to block US potato imports

Mexican authorities have closed the country’s borders to U.S. potato imports citing phytosanitary issues as the reason for the ban, reports
México abre su mercado a la importación de papa
Mayo 20, 2014

México abre su mercado a la importación de papa

A partir de esta semana, México permite la importación de papa si los países proveedores cumplen con los requisitos fitosanitarios, según un acuerdo publicado por la Secretaría de Agricultura en el Diario Oficial.
 United States Department of Agriclture
Septiembre 30, 2013

U.S. access proposed for Mexican potatoes

As part of bilateral effort to ease trade barriers, Mexican potatoes will gain access to the US market under a new US Department of Agriculture proposal.
Octubre 04, 2012

Mexican Farmers want to block the import of potatoes from the US

Since the a country's plant health is not negotiable, potato farmers will avoid at all costs importing potatoes from the US. The Ministries of Economy in both countries engaged in an agreement to carry this out, without consulting health authorities or...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Septiembre 11, 2012

México no ha negociado la importación de papa de EE.UU.

El secretario de Agricultura, Francisco Mayorga Castañeda, afirmó que México no ha negociado la importación de papa fresca procedente de Estados Unidos, en el marco de su integración al Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífica (TTP). El titular de la depen...
Agosto 31, 2012

Aseguran que México firmó acuerdo para importar papa de los EUA

El Consejo Nacional Agropecuario (CNA) y productores de papa aseguraron que tienen información de que México firmó el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífica (TTP por sus siglas en inglés) y contrario a lo que había sostenido el gobierno, cedió por presion...
Noviembre 11, 2011

Colorado well positioned to boost potato export to Mexico now tariffs are lifted

Colorado Agriculture Commissioner John Salazar is organizing a trade mission to Mexico that he hopes will be fruitful for potato farmers in the San Luis Valley. Salazar said Thursday that he and Gov. John Hickenlooper’s office hope to pave a trade pat...
Octubre 26, 2010

USPB spurs sales of frozen potato products in Mexico despite retaliatory tariff

International marketing programs like those of the United States Potato Board (USPB) aim to increase export sales for US potato growers, but they serve a valuable purpose during a market downturn as well
Marzo 19, 2009

US Potato Growers hit by Mexican retaliation as US blocks access of Mexican Trucks

Fruits and vegetables - including potatoes- are the most common items on the list of 90 products hit with tariffs as of today, as Mexico retaliated against a U.S. decision to block Mexican trucks from traveling north of a commercial zone along the bo...
Octubre 22, 2007

USPB promotes frozen potato products in Mexico

The United States Potato Board (USPB) increases demand for US frozen potato products in Mexico by reaching both trade and consumers. Trade is targeted through restaurant chain training and tailored seminars held in conjunction with the importer/distri...
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