Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Potato Processor Simplot Recognizes Outstanding Tassie Growers
Septiembre 27, 2021

Potato Processor Simplot Recognizes Outstanding Tasmanian Growers

Potato and vegetable growers have vied for the title of top producers as part of Simplot's Annual Grower Awards. The Awards, which have been in place since 1997, recognize the outstanding achievements of Tasmania's potato and vegetable growers during the 2020-2021 harvest.
Monitoring improves potato tuber moth control
Septiembre 23, 2021

Monitoring improves potato tuber moth control

Potato tuber moth can be a potato producer’s nightmare. Fortunately, InteliGro’s extremely effective monitoring system not only help to control this pest successfully but allows producers to manage risks and reduce input costs over time.
United Potato Growers of Canada General Manager, Kevin MacIsaac, is Retiring After 10 Years of Service
Septiembre 23, 2021

United Potato Growers of Canada General Manager, Kevin MacIsaac, is Retiring After 10 Years of Service

Kevin MacIsaac, who has been General Manager of the United Potato Growers of Canada since October 1, 2011, announced he will be retiring this fall.
Patatas Eiras.
Septiembre 21, 2021

España: Con 29 años, se puso al frente de Patatas Eiras: «Soy mujer en un mundo de hombres»

Las patatas de los Eiras llegan a todos los rincones de Galicia, gracias a un trabajo en equipo y en cadena. Jessica está al frente de la gerencia y de los temas administrativos.

September rain Prince Edward Island may be 'too much of a good thing' for potatoes
Septiembre 21, 2021

September rain Prince Edward Island may be 'too much of a good thing' for potatoes

With more than twice as much rain as normal for September already on Prince Edward Island, there are some concerns it may be getting too wet for the potato crop.
Dried Potato Can Be Cheaper Energy Source In Animal Feed
Septiembre 20, 2021

Pakistan university: Dried Potato Can Be Cheaper Energy Source In Animal Feed

The University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) scientists found that dried potato can successfully be used as a cheaper energy source in animal feed formulation and can be added up to 30 percent in ruminant concentrate without any negative effect
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Recolección de patatas esta campaña en la provincia de Valladolid.
Septiembre 20, 2021

España: COAG dice que habrá desabastecimiento de patatas si la distribución no se adapta

El cambio climático afecta a la producción de patata: las sucesivas olas de calor han secado la mata antes de tiempo y han dañado la apariencia del tubérculo, lo que dificulta su comercialización.
Comienza en Araba la recogida de la patata de calidad.
Septiembre 20, 2021

Comienza en Araba, España, la recogida de la patata de calidad

Comienza en Araba la recogida de la patata de calidad. Este año Udapa amplía su catálogo con Beltza y Edurne, las nuevas variedades de Neiker. Como ya anunciara Diario de Noticias DE Álava, con la llegada del mes de septiembre Udapa se sumerge en plena recolección de patata de Álava.
MountainKing: The quality of the Colorado potato crop 'extraordinary'
Septiembre 20, 2021

MountainKing: The quality of the Colorado potato crop 'extraordinary'

As MountainKing readies for its fall harvest, early tests from its fields in Colorado’s San Luis Valley offer encouraging signs for several of the brand’s gourmet varieties including its yellow-flesh varietals.
Leading Scottish potato grower chooses next generation Tong Caretaker
Septiembre 20, 2021

Leading Scottish potato grower chooses next generation Tong Caretaker

Featuring a high-capacity infeed hopper, the Caretaker grading system specified for Haig Hamilton incorporates an 8-row model of Tong’s industry-leading EasyClean separator
North-western European Potato Growers: Wet summer causes quality issues. Higher production costs and good export of processed potatoes!
Septiembre 20, 2021

North-western European Potato Growers: Wet summer causes quality issues.

North-western Europe will have had one of its most humid summers in the last decades! In some areas in Belgium and Western Germany, rainfall at mid-July was an absolute historic high.
Northumberland potato farm serves up particularly tasty chips (Fries) for local restaurants
Septiembre 20, 2021

Northumberland potato farm serves up particularly tasty chips for local restaurants

Fish and chip shop owners and restaurateurs have been to see where one of their key produce comes from. Up to 60 varieties of newly harvested potatoes were on display.
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Macfrut: Romagnoli F.lli and McCain present the new CelaVita ready-to-eat potatoes
Septiembre 19, 2021

Macfrut: Romagnoli F.lli and McCain present the new CelaVita ready-to-eat potatoes

Romagnoli F.lli and McCain, a worldwide leader in the production of frozen potatoes, unveiled two new premium products for the retail channel at Macfrut – Spicchi al naturale and Mini patate bio – by the CêlaVíta brand
SRM Holdings and Double L Global Announces Ownership Consolidation and CEO Appointment
Septiembre 19, 2021

SRM Holdings and Double L Global Announces Ownership Consolidation and CEO Appointment

Double L, a prominent manufacturer of farm equipment in the Intermountain West, announced that it has formally concluded its ownership and relationship with the company's prior management team and Board of Directors.
Farmer in Zimbabwe sues local potato chip manufacturer Cairns Foods over defective seed potatoes
Septiembre 19, 2021

Farmer in Zimbabwe sues local potato chip manufacturer Cairns Foods over defective potato seed

Patrick Makuzwa has approached the High Court seeking an order canceling his contract with Cairns Foods and for the food company to compensate him to the value of USD 46 789 50.
Launching new sweet potato line and earth-friendly packaging options for potatoes
Septiembre 18, 2021

Launching new sweet potato line and earth-friendly packaging options for potatoes

Progressive Produce grows, packs and ships a wide variety of year-round produce, farming thousands of acres throughout North and South America.
SolEye is a product to objectively measure frying colour of potato strips
Septiembre 17, 2021

RMA-Techniek takes over HZPC's frying colour measuring system Soleye

As of September 2021, RMA-Techniek will take over the product SolEye. SolEye is a product to objectively measure frying colour, developed by Solentum B.V. (a former subsidiary of HZPC Holding).
Septiembre 14, 2021

¿Es la leche de patata la alternativa láctea más sostenible hasta el momento?

No hay escapatoria de la leche de origen vegetal en el siglo XXI. En el Reino Unido, casi una cuarta parte de los británicos ahora consumen leche de origen vegetal.


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