Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Potato company Albert Bartlett brings branded sweet potatoes to the United Kingdom
Julio 06, 2017

Potato company Albert Bartlett brings branded sweet potatoes to the United Kingdom

Potato supplier Albert Bartlett (United Kingdom) has made its first entry into the sweet potato market with a listing at the British online retailer Ocado.
How to get your potatoes to a market - ANY market - in rural Nepal
Julio 06, 2017

How to get your potatoes to a market - ANY market - in rural Nepal

Potato farmers in Jumla are overjoyed. Unlike other years, vendors are coming to Jumla - a remote area in Nepal with very limited road access - to buy potatoes from farmers. This means they don't have to walk a full day to sell a single sack of potatoes - at a low price...
Simplot wants to sell food products from GM Potatoes in Australia and New Zealand
Julio 06, 2017

Simplot wants to sell food products from GM Potatoes in Australia and New Zealand

JR Simplot has applied at FSANZ for approval to export genetically modified potato products into Australia and New Zealand. Unclear is what type of products this is about, but unprocessed potatoes can not be imported.
CRC develops new DNA methods to detect zebrachip bacteria in potato psyllids
Julio 06, 2017

CRC develops new DNA methods to detect zebrachip bacteria in potato psyllids

Plant Biosecurity CRC scientists have identified stable regions in the genome of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso), which causes the serious disease Zebra Chip in potato and tomato crops. This research will provide new diagnostics that will significantly reduce uncertainty in biosecurity assessments.
Ventas masivas de papa francesa hunden el precio de la papa en España
Julio 06, 2017

Ventas masivas de papa francesa hunden el precio de la papa en España

El año 2017 será uno de los peores años para los papicultores. No sólo la sequía está mermando sus cosechas. Ahora las malas prácticas de grandes cadenas de alimentación están destrozando los precios y dejándolos muy por debajo del coste para ellos.
Arqueólogos encuentran las papas más antiguas de América
Julio 05, 2017

Arqueólogos encuentran las papas más antiguas de América

Como parte de una nueva investigación, se han desenterrado en Utah (EE.UU.) los que podrían ser los gránulos de papa más antiguos, fechados hace 10.900 años. Según los científicos, esta papa podría ser una fuente de alimento potencial para el futuro.
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Potato starch residue in stone tool proves potato use in Utah goes back over 10,000 years
Julio 04, 2017

Starch residue in ancient tool proves potato use in Utah goes back 10,000+ years

Researchers from the Natural History Museum of Utah and Red Butte Garden at the University of Utah have discovered potato starch residues in the crevices of a 10,900-year-old stone tool in Escalante, Utah — the earliest evidence of wild potato use in North America.
Updated estimates NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased
Julio 04, 2017

Updated estimate NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased

The total consumption potato area in North-Western Europe, has been estimated at 578.821 ha, which is 4.6% more than last year and 8.3% more than the 5 years average, according to the NEPG.
West Australian Potato Growers want you to eat potatoes EVERY day...
Julio 03, 2017

West Australian Potato Growers want you to eat potatoes EVERY day...

West Australian potato growers want their potatoes back on dinner plates every day to help ease a massive glut. The advertising campaign - named Todatoes - began Saturday night with the start of a prime-time television advertising campaign.
University of Idaho reports light potato psyllid pressure
Julio 03, 2017

University of Idaho reports light potato psyllid pressure

Pressure from the tiny, winged insects that spread zebra chip disease in potatoes has been light in Idaho this season, emboldening some Idaho farmers to scale back on their pesticide programs.
Brexit may pose challenges for Scottish Seed Potato Exporters
Julio 03, 2017

Brexit may present challenges to Scottish Seed Potato Exporters

Seed potato growers for the United Kingdom who have been confident that crucial trade with Egypt and other non-EU markets would not be disrupted by Brexit may be in for a shock.
Zambia urgently needs to regulate import of potatoes
Julio 02, 2017

Zambia urgently needs to better regulate the import of potatoes and establish phytosanitary labs

Zambia and South Africa may be perfectly at peace, but farmers on either side of the Limpopo River - the border between the two countries - seem engaged in a trade war. And it is mostly about potatoes...
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Potato Growers in Hassan losing hope of good returns as lack of rain results in poor germination
Julio 02, 2017

Potato Growers in Hassan losing hope of good returns as lack of rain results in poor germination

Within 30 days into potato cultivation this year, growers in Hassan, Karnataka are losing hope of good returns in their field. The poor germination is linked by experts to the lack of rainfall.
Simplot invierte 100 millones de dólares para producir papas fritas en Argentina
Junio 30, 2017

Simplot invierte 100 millones de dólares para producir papas fritas en Argentina

La compañía, que es líder en EE.UU. y China, apuesta al mercado interno y también va a exportar a Chile, Uruguay y Brasil. El socio local es San Fili, que produce papas en la provincia de Mendoza.
Heavy rain damages potato crop in Ontario, Canada
Junio 29, 2017

Heavy rain damages potato crop in Ontario, Canada

After a month of good growing conditions and positive reports amid sporadic news on disease potential, word from one of Ontario’s potato-growing regions is that roughly 1,000 acres of potatoes have been lost due to flooding.
Matthew Brigotti joins Idaho Potato Commission as Foodservice Promotion Director North-East / Midwest
Junio 29, 2017

Matthew Brigotti joins Idaho Potato Commission as Foodservice Promotion Director North-East / Midwest

On June 15, 2017, Matt Brigotti joined the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) foodservice marketing team as Foodservice Promotions Director for the Northeast and Midwest, based in Richfield, Ohio
Maine Potato Board Names 2017 Farm Family of the Year
Junio 29, 2017

Maine Potato Board Names 2017 Farm Family of the Year

The Maine Potato Board has selected the Steve and Fred Whited family of Bridgewater as the 2017 Farm Family of the Year.
Potato planted area in Great Britain estimated to increase by 4%
Junio 28, 2017

Potato planted area in Great Britain estimated to increase by 4%

AHDB Potatoes Market Intelligence Analysts estimate the total area planted with potatoes in Great Britain this season is 121,000 hectares. This is up by four per cent on the previous year.


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