Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Los rendimientos de la patata en Castilla y León 'están siendo muy buenos' por la ausencia de tormentas
Agosto 21, 2019

Los rendimientos de la patata en Castilla y León 'están siendo muy buenos' por la ausencia de tormentas

Entrevista con Eduardo Arroyo, presidente de la Asociación de Productores de Patata de Castilla y León.
Las amenazas que se ciernen sobre las papas
Agosto 21, 2019

Las amenazas que se ciernen sobre las papas

El cambio climático comienza a afectar al legendario alimento. En Perú, cuna de la patata, donde hay 4.000 variedades, campesinos y científicos temen daños ante las variaciones de heladas y lluvias.
Potato wholesaler penalised
Agosto 20, 2019

Australian potato wholesaler fined for using unfair contracts

One of Australia’s largest potato wholesalers, Mitolo Group, has been fined for entering into unfair contracts with growers.
Chinese potato price runs high because of typhoon Lekima
Agosto 20, 2019

Chinese potato price runs high because of Typhoon Lekima

Typhoon Lekima landed on Chinese shores last weekend. The typhoon caused destruction in several Chinese cities. Shouguang was one of the areas affected most by the extreme weather conditions.
Changes to Safe Haven Standards will support long term health of GB potato industry
Agosto 19, 2019

Changes to Safe Haven Standards will support long term health of GB potato industry

Red Tractor are looking for industry feedback on potential changes to the Safe Haven Standards, the seed potato assurance scheme.
Tong USA’s first year brings US growers & packers more bang for their buck
Agosto 19, 2019

Tong USA's first year brings US potato growers & packers more bang for their buck

Tong USA’s first year brings US potato growers & packers more bang for their buck.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
German potato prices set to spike due to drought
Agosto 19, 2019

German potato prices set to spike due to drought

Two summers in a row of drought are causing Germany’s potato supply to dwindle - and prices to rise.
Potato mop-top virus response closes out
Agosto 16, 2019

Potato mop-top virus response New Zealand closes out

A joint Biosecurity New Zealand and Potatoes New Zealand response to the crop disease potato mop-top virus (PMTV) is being closed out, with industry taking the lead on long-term management.
Canadian Potato Crop Report August 15, 2019
Agosto 16, 2019

Canadian Potato Crop Report August 15, 2019

The United Potato Growers of Canada have released an update on the condition of the Canadian Potato Crop, as per August 15, 2019
Búsqueda mundial de alternativas al CIPC libres de residuos
Agosto 15, 2019

Búsqueda mundial de alternativas al CIPC libres de residuos

A partir de 2020, la Comisión Europea prohibirá el CIPC como antigerminativo en patata, lo que plantea un desafío para muchos productores.
Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia
Agosto 14, 2019

Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia

Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia.
La escasez de patatas de este año es una anomalía para Canadá
Agosto 14, 2019

La escasez de patatas de este año es una anomalía para Canadá

La escasez de patatas de este año es una anomalía para Canadá
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Late blight detected in central Wisconsin, southern Washington
Agosto 13, 2019

Late blight detected in central Wisconsin, southern Washington

Late blight has been confirmed in a potato field in central Wisconsin.
10 Breakthrough Technologies Can Help Feed the World Without Destroying It
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10 Breakthrough Technologies Can Help Feed the World Without Destroying It

Researchers are developing lower-emissions rice varieties, feed additives and other technological innovations to create a more sustainable food system.
Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich focuses on Agritechnica and Agribex, skips Potato Europe
Agosto 10, 2019

Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich focuses on Agritechnica and Agribex, skips Potato Europe

Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich has decided not to take part in the Potato Europe event in Kain, Belgium, this year, and will instead be focusing fully on the Agritechnica fair in Hanover (November) and the Agribex show in Brussels (December)
New Canadian potato variety named after Alliston, spud capital of Ontario
Agosto 07, 2019

New Canadian potato variety named after Alliston, spud capital of Ontario

In mid-July, a new variety of potato named Alliston was officially registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, making it the first tater in history to take its name from the potato capital of Ontario.
Filial de McCain en Argentina, afectada por las retenciones, apunta a Brasil
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Filial de McCain en Argentina, afectada por las retenciones, apunta a Brasil

McCain prioriza sus inversiones en Brasil, enviando preocupaciones a Argentina sobre su futuro.
Ivan Noonan Receives Certificate of Appreciation from United Potato Growers Canada
Agosto 05, 2019

Ivan Noonan Receives Certificate of Appreciation from United Potato Growers Canada

The United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) recently presented Mr. Ivan Noonan with a Certificate of Appreciation as a founding Co-Chair of the UPGC, which was formed in 2006.


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