Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Lower potato prices in Ukraine not enough to stop Russian imports
Diciembre 10, 2019

Lower potato prices in Ukraine not enough to stop Russian imports

Despite the fact that potato prices are declining in Ukraine, their reduction so far has not been sufficient to stop the huge flow of Russian imports.
Farmers in Rwanda are looking for better potato storage technology
Diciembre 10, 2019

Farmers in Rwanda are looking for better potato storage technology

Rwanda Agricultural Board has said that it is working with agricultural experts to introduce affordable technologies that could help store potatoes for over a period of six months in a bid to fight against food insecurity and low prices affecting farmers.
Great Lakes Potato Chip Co offers Purple Blackberry potato chips for its 10 year anniversary
Diciembre 10, 2019

Great Lakes Potato Chip Co offers Purple Blackberry potato chips for its 10 year anniversary

If you are living in Michigan or nearby, Purple potato chips could be on shelves at a grocery store near you this holiday season, thanks to a collaboration between Michigan State University researchers and Traverse City-based Great Lakes Potato Chip Co.
New potato crop in Greece coming up shortly
Diciembre 10, 2019

New potato crop in Greece coming up shortly

The 2019 season for Greek potatoes was very good, but they are already getting ready for the new crop.
Maine potatoes expected to be in 'strong demand' after disappointing harvest elsewhere
Diciembre 10, 2019

Maine potatoes expected to be in 'strong demand' after disappointing harvest elsewhere

Don Flannery, executive director of the Maine Potato Board, said that poor harvests elsewhere in North America would create a 'strong demand' for Maine-grown potatoes.
Patatas Meléndez inaugura un puesto propio en Mercamadrid
Diciembre 09, 2019

Patatas Meléndez inaugura un puesto propio en Mercamadrid

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en producción de patata fresca en España, ha inaugurado hoy su presencia en el mercado central de Frutas y Hortalizas en Mercamadrid, con un puesto situados en la nave E del mercado mayorista de la capital.
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Las lluvias en España retrasan la cosecha de patatas tardanas en Mallorca
Diciembre 09, 2019

Las lluvias en España retrasan la cosecha de patatas tardanas en Mallorca

Las lluvias registradas el miércoles 4 de diciembre en el municipio mallorquín de Sa Pobla han inundado parte de las plantaciones de patatas tardanas que estaban a punto para ser recolectadas, lo que implicará un retraso en la cosecha de esta variedad.
Online tool to detect blackleg disease in potato using DNA testing has widespread application
Diciembre 05, 2019

Online tool to detect blackleg disease in potato using DNA testing has widespread application

Scientists have developed a user-friendly online tool called Uniqprimer, which quickly and automatically designs species-specific DNA tags (also known as primers) for detecting pathogens such as Dickeya dianthicola using DNA testing.
Japan's Upper House Approves Historic U.S.- Japan Agreement on Agricultural Trade
Diciembre 04, 2019

Japan's Upper House Approves Historic U.S.- Japan Agreement on Agricultural Trade

The National Potato Council cheered the passage of the U.S.- Japan Agreement on Agricultural Trade by Japan’s Upper House.
Simplot strengthens agricultural retail presence with acquisition of Pinnacle Agriculture
Diciembre 03, 2019

Simplot strengthens agricultural retail presence with acquisition of Pinnacle Agriculture

The combined complementary footprint of Simplot Grower Solutions and Pinnacle stores will grow to more than 200 locations across North America.
Scotts Precision Manufacturing to Celebrate Best of British at Lamma 2020
Diciembre 03, 2019

Scotts Precision Manufacturing to Celebrate Best of British at Lamma 2020

A Union Jack branded six-bed Trinity Topper is to take centre stage on Scotts Precision Manufacturing's stand at LAMMA 2020 as the company celebrates the best of British. custom livery to the
Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row
Diciembre 02, 2019

Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row

Potato processors in the United Kingdom and their growers express again extreme concern about the potato supply, due to wet weather and potato varieties grown for processing in particular affected.
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La polilla de la patata se extiende ya a tres parroquias Españolas: de Carballo y A Laracha
Diciembre 02, 2019

La polilla de la patata se extiende ya a tres parroquias Españolas: de Carballo y A Laracha

La Consellería de Medio Rural anunció ayer la próxima publicación en el Diario Oficial de Galicia de la declaración por la que las parroquias de Lendo y Caión, en A Laracha, y Noicela, en Carballo.
Nuevos hábitos de consumo en España revolucionan el sector de la patata
Diciembre 02, 2019

Nuevos hábitos de consumo en España revolucionan el sector de la patata

Los nuevos hábitos de consumo están brindando al sector de la patata inéditas oportunidades para poner en valor este producto, que a pesar de ser considerado un básico en la cesta de la compra, puede todavía reinventarse.
Farmers fear losing up to 1,000 tonnes of potatoes stuck in saturated fields.
Noviembre 28, 2019

Farmers in Jersey fear losing up to 1,000 tonnes of potatoes stuck in saturated fields.

Farmers in Jersey fear losing up to 1,000 tonnes of potatoes which are stuck in the ground after the relentless wet weather turned the Island’s fields into unworkable ‘bogs’.
At LAMMA 2020 Tong will launch TongHUB - an online portal for easy access to equipment documentation
Noviembre 28, 2019

At LAMMA 2020 Tong will launch TongHUB - an online portal for easy access to equipment documentation

At LAMMA 2020, potato handling equipment manufacturer Tong Engineering will launch an online portal for customers to easily access equipment documentation: the TongHUB
Pepsico India's ownership of Potato variety FL-2027 again challenged in farmer protests
Noviembre 26, 2019

Pepsico India's ownership of Potato variety FL-2027 again challenged in farmer protests

Farmers' rights activists on Tuesday planted FL-2027 seed potatoes on a plot of farmland in Ahmedabad, Gujarat to protest food and beverages major PepsiCo's reassertion of rights over the variety.
U.S. Potato Imports Down on The Whole, Despite Gains in Several Categories
Noviembre 26, 2019

U.S. Potato Imports Down on The Whole, Despite Gains in Several Categories

Overall, U.S. potato imports declined slightly during the first quarter (July – September) of the July 2019 – June 2020 marketing year compared to the previous year, dipping 12% in volume and 2% in value.


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