Cadena de Suministro de Papas

La Dirección Regional de Agricultura de Lima busca incrementar la producción del tubérculo
Noviembre 02, 2020

Productores de Lima, Perú Reciben 30 Toneladas de Semillas de Papa de Alta Calidad Genética

Emprendedores productores de la región Lima, Perú recibieron semillas certificadas de diversas variedades de papa, de alta calidad genética, con el propósito de potenciar este cultivo y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria en el país, tras la situación de emergencia sanitaria que se vive por el covid-19.
Noviembre 02, 2020

NEPG Pronostica disminución del cultivo de papa en un mínimo del 15%

El NEPG (Productores de Patatas de Europa Noroccidental, por sus siglas en inglés) estima que la cosecha total será de 27,9 millones de toneladas esta temporada si se cosechan todas las patatas que aún están bajo tierra.
El Perú tiene más de tres mil variedades de papa, una riqueza a preservar.
Noviembre 02, 2020

Se prolonga la Polémica Moratoria al ingreso de cultivos transgénicos al Perú hasta el 2035

La semana pasada se prolongó la moratoria al ingreso de cultivos transgénicos al Perú hasta el 2035. El tema suscita el debate a favor y en contra desde hace nueve años, cuando se estableció una primera moratoria que vencía el 2021.
Algunos agricultores optan por no sacar las patatas de la tierra para no aumentar las pérdidas
Noviembre 02, 2020

Los Precios de la Patata Fríen a los Agricultores de Castilla y León

La cotización de este tubérculo ha llegado a un punto en el que casi se paga por vender y la Unión de Pequeños Agricultores (UPA) denuncia que se incumple la Ley de la Cadena Alimentaria en Castilla y León.
Odisha government seeks renewal of agreement with International Potato Centre
Octubre 27, 2020

Odisha government seeks renewal of agreement with International Potato Centre

Even as the State Potato Mission failed to take off due to the lack of direction and apathy of the government to the project, it has expressed it desire to revalidate the contract with the International Potato Centre (CIP) for intensification of potato production.
Canadian Potato Crop and Harvest Update October 26, 2020
Octubre 27, 2020

Canadian Potato Crop and Harvest Update October 26, 2020

Potato harvest in Canada is complete in most provinces with the exception of Quebec, according to this final crop report of the season prepared by the United Potato Growers of Canada
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Europatat welcomes Romans Vorss as new Technical Affairs Director
Octubre 27, 2020

Europatat welcomes Romans Vorss as new Technical Affairs Director

The European Potato Trade Association Europatat has appointed Romans Vorss as the new Technical Affairs Director of the Association, with effect as of 26 October 2020.
Haith bags global enquiries after facebook video goes viral
Octubre 23, 2020

Haith video of supafast filling of big bags with potatoes goes viral

Haith Group has seen a resurgence of interest in its innovative bag filling machine after a video posted on social media was viewed more than one million times.
Retailers still charge higher than govt-set price of potato
Octubre 23, 2020

Bangladesh Retailers still charge higher than govt-set price of potato

Potato was sold for Tk 42 to Tk 48 a kg in retail markets in the capital yesterday, a day after the government fixed the retail price at Tk 35.
India resumes import of potatoes from Bhutan
Octubre 23, 2020

India resumes import of potatoes from Bhutan, export yet to pick up

India on Saturday threw open its domestic market for certain agricultural commodities including potatoes from Bhutan.
PepsiCo launched a new line for the production of chips in the Moscow region
Octubre 23, 2020

PepsiCo launched a new line for the production of chips in the Moscow region

According to the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region, the tenth production line was launched at the PepsiCo enterprise in the Kashirsky District (Frito Lay Manufacturing LLC). It will produce Lay's ® chips. The production capacity of the line is more than 5 thousand tons of finished products per year.
South Africa Has Seen a Massive Surge in Potato Prices in Recent Months
Octubre 23, 2020

Why South Africa Potato Prices Exploded by 140% in Just Four Months

Since mid-June, potato prices have been on average 46% higher than in the same period last year. In four months, the average market price of a 10kg
bag has rocketed from below R35 to R83.
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Bundaberg Sweet Potato Fries go Australia
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Bundaberg Sweet Potato Chips (Fries) go Australia-wide

A taste of Bundaberg will be served around the country as Sweet Potatoes Australia partners with Edgell to launch their new Sweet Potato Fries .
Jason will lead the company’s three global locations
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Jason Davis Promoted to Vice President of Vanmark

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, announces the promotion of Jason Davis to Vice President.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar: 'Above and Below Ground: Diseases threatening sustainable potato production'
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World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar: 'Above and Below Ground: Diseases threatening sustainable potato production'

The World Potato Congress is pleased to be beginning its Fall webinar series on November 12, 2020, with Professor Jacquie van der Waals from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
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NewCold 'On Course' With Second UK Cold Storage Facility

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Octubre 19, 2020

Luz verde para un LMR temporal para el clorprofam

Ya hay luz verde para el límite máximo de residuos (LMR) temporal de 0,4 mg/kg para el antigerminante clorprofam en patatas de consumo en la UE. El Comité Permanente dio su aprobación durante una votación digital.
Intersur Produce Cada Daño más de 100.000 Toneladas de Patatas en España y Francia
Octubre 19, 2020

La Productora de Patatas Intersur Crea un Grupo Para Crecer en Europa y Oriente Medio

La empresa sevillana Intersur 2011 y la compañía albaceteña Agromar Hispana han creado el grupo Intersur, que produce ya más de 100.000 toneladas de patatas con destino a empaquetadores que las venden a los supermercados.


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