NewCold 'On Course' With New Cold Storage Facility
oktober 20, 2020

NewCold 'On Course' With Second UK Cold Storage Facility

Preparations for NewCold's second UK deep freeze storage facility are fully on course, says the company and following the build commencement next month, the operation is expected to go live just one year later.
oktober 19, 2020

Groen licht voor tijdelijke MRL voor chloorprofam

Er is groen licht voor een tijdelijke Maximale Residu Limiet (MRL) van 0,4 mg/kg voor het kiemremmingsmiddel chloorprofam bij consumptieaardappelen. Het Permanent Comité in Brussel gaf akkoord bij een digitale stemming.
Intersur Produce Cada Daño más de 100.000 Toneladas de Patatas en España y Francia
oktober 19, 2020

La Productora de Patatas Intersur Crea un Grupo Para Crecer en Europa y Oriente Medio

La empresa sevillana Intersur 2011 y la compañía albaceteña Agromar Hispana han creado el grupo Intersur, que produce ya más de 100.000 toneladas de patatas con destino a empaquetadores que las venden a los supermercados.
Report: The potato value chain in Morocco
oktober 16, 2020

Report: The potato value chain in Morocco

The Wageningen Research Foundation (WR), being subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the context of the Policy Support 'Sustainable agricultural development in a food system approach' published a study on the potato value chain in Morocco.
Russian Federation increased potato exports by 36 percent
oktober 16, 2020

Russian Federation increased potato exports by 36 percent

In the first nine months of this year, Russia exported 254,8 thousand tons of potatoes (food and seed), which is almost 36% more than in the same period last year.
First True Potato Seed (TPS) Trial of Solynta and Solidaridad in Mozambique Shows Great Potential
oktober 16, 2020

First True Potato Seed (TPS) Trial of Solynta and Solidaridad in Mozambique Shows Great Potential

A first pilot using True Potato Seed (TPS) in Angonia District, Tete province in Mozambique, conducted by Solidaridad and Solynta shows great potential to drastically improve and innovate potato production in Mozambique.
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The Pre-Sprouting Crates From Bekuplast in Action: The Anrather Spargelhof in Willich Uses These Boxes.
oktober 16, 2020

Pre-Sprouting Potatoes: bekuplast LLC Crates Allow A Uniform And Stable Sprouting Pattern

With regard to potatoes, pre-germination is crucial for good growth. Pre-sprouting enables growers to achieve higher yields and start harvesting up to 6-8 weeks before 'normal' potatoes. It is important that the potatoes are evenly exposed and ventilated.
Maine, US: Drought shrinks Aroostook County potato yields
oktober 15, 2020

Maine, US: Drought shrinks Aroostook County potato yields

This year’s potato harvest was met with an unrelenting drought that diminished crops and tied up water resources for Aroostook County, Maine farmers.
Drought dries up potato harvest revenue in New Brunswick
oktober 15, 2020

Drought dries up potato harvest revenue in New Brunswick

With the harvest season underway, the impact of summer's drought-like conditions is being unearthed in New Brunswick. Due to a lack of rainfall during the growing season, potato farmers say their yields are down significantly for fall 2020.
Brexit reality dawns for Irish potato growers
oktober 14, 2020

Brexit reality dawns for Irish potato growers

The potato trade has been warned to have all seed potatoes for next year’s crop imported from Britain by December 31. A trade notice issued by the Irish Department of Agriculture said imports of 'certified seed and ware potatoes' from Britain will be prohibited from the end of 2020 when the UK leaves the EU.
New research: nitrous oxide emissions 300 times more powerful than CO₂ are jeopardising Earth's future
oktober 14, 2020

Agriculture responsible for 70% of nitrous oxide emissions - a greenhouse gas 300 times more powerful than CO₂

Nitrous oxide emissions (300 times more powerful than CO₂) are jeopardizing Earth's future climate. Agriculture caused almost 70% of global N₂O emissions in the decade to 2016.
La comarca inicia de manera desigual la recogida, que los más optimistas cifran en 120 millones de kilos
oktober 14, 2020

España: La Sequía Estival Mermará la Cosecha de Patata en este 2020

Los productores de patata de A Limia se van incorporando de manera contenida a la campaña de recogida de 2020. Las lluvias registradas a lo largo de la pasada semana impidieron el inicio de la recolecta en las fincas de mayor tamaño.
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La Cosecha de Papa en Tucuman, Argentina con Protocolos Sanitarios
oktober 14, 2020

La Cosecha de Papa en Tucuman, Argentina con Protocolos Sanitarios

El gobernador, Juan Manzur, visitó la localidad Argentina de Los Sarmientos, en Aguilares, donde constató y valoró las normas con que se lleva a cabo la recolección.
oktober 14, 2020

Grote belangstelling voor deelname aan PotatoEurope 2021

Afgelopen week hebben de organisatoren van PotatoEurope 2021 de voorinschrijving voor oud-deelnemers van PotatoEurope geopend en nu al hebben zich een groot aantal deelnemers aangemeld voor de komende editie.
Argentina: Yara Presentó un Programa Integral Que Permite Una Mayor Rentabilidad Para El Productor de Papa
oktober 12, 2020

Argentina: Yara Presentó un Programa Integral Que Permite Una Mayor Rentabilidad Para El Productor de Papa

La empresa noruega Yara lanzó al mercado la solución RicaPapa, que incorpora novedosas herramientas con el propósito de facilitar el acceso de los agricultores a nuevas tecnologías de fertilización.
Atípica Helada Acaba con Cosecha de Papa en la Región Sureste de Coahuila, México
oktober 12, 2020

Atípica Helada Acaba con Cosecha de Papa en la Región Sureste de Coahuila, México

Esta pérdida además, impacta directamente a los cerca de 20 mil empleos directos e indirectos que genera el cultivo de papa en esta región de México
Harvesting, prices and future plans: the potato situation in the regions of Russia
oktober 10, 2020

The 2020 potato harvest in the various regions of Russia

Since the start of autumn, potato producers in the regions of Russia have been facing many challenges, new and old. In the Russian Federation, the average annual volume of potatoes used for food purposes is estimated to be at 13-14 million tons, which makes potato one of the most important crops in Russia. In this article, we present information about the potato situation in various regions of Russia.
Signing ceremony between Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and Green System Pakistan Pvt Limited
oktober 09, 2020

Pakistan to Produce Two Million Disease-Resistant Potato Tubers Using Tissue Culture Technology

Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) will Produce Two Million Disease-Resistant Potato Potato Tubers Using Tissue Culture Technology


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