Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Russet Burbank (Courtesy Idaho Potato Commission)
Febrero 08, 2015

Large and growing price gap between small and large Russets in Idaho

Idaho is currently confronted with the unusual situation that large Russet potatoes are far more expensive than small Russets and the price gap is only increasing.
Erik Wenninger
Enero 31, 2015

Potato Psyllids in Pacific Northwest declining

Levels of zebra chip, a crop disease in potatoes spread by potato psyllids and caused by the Liberibacter bacterium, were down signficiantly in the Pacific Northwest.
Expert: Idaho potato industry has too much capacity
Enero 28, 2015

Expert: Idaho potato industry has too much capacity

A former Potato Growers of Idaho executive director believes Idaho’s capacity to produce and pack potatoes has outgrown the market, at the expense of growers.
New infested acreage has been added to Idaho's pale cyst nematode program.
Enero 25, 2015

New infested acreage has been added to Idaho's pale cyst nematode program.

Officials with Idaho’s pale cyst nematode eradication program say they’ve discovered three more infested fields totaling 994 acres since October, including two fields that had previously been deregulated from the program.
West Coast Labor Dispute is Hurting Idaho Potato Industry
Diciembre 23, 2014

West Coast Labor Dispute is Hurting Idaho Potato Industry

Port disruptions on the West Coast due to labor contract negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) are hurting Idaho agriculture and Idaho’s exporters.
Bulk potato storage United States (Courtesy IVI)
Diciembre 15, 2014

Major US Potato States held 263 million cwt in stock per December 1, 2014

The 13 major US potato States held 263 million cwt of potatoes in storage December 1, 2014, down 3 percent from 2 years
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Nora Olsen, Professor and Extension Potato Specialist at the University of Idaho
Diciembre 02, 2014

Sprout Contol during storage topic of latest Focus on Potato webcast

The lastest focus on Potato webcast provides an update on Potato Sprout Control, by Nora Olsen, Professor and Extension Potato Specialist at the University of Idaho
Will Simplot's Innate GMO Potato Take Off? McDonald's Has Spoken
Noviembre 18, 2014

Will Simplot's Innate GMO Potato Take Off? McDonald's Has Spoken

If the Innate GMO potato is going to take off, depends on Simplot winning over three major factions, Farmers, big buyers such as McDonald's and the Consumer
Potato Recipes from the Idaho Potato Commission
Noviembre 09, 2014

'Pass the Potatoes, Please'

In Idaho, the centerpiece of the holiday meal is always... you guessed it... the potato. The Idaho Potato Commission helps with a lot of recipes.
USDA approves Simplot's Innate GM potatoes
Noviembre 09, 2014

USDA approves Simplot's Innate GM potatoes

A potato genetically engineered to reduce the amounts of a potentially harmful ingredient in French fries and potato chips has been approved for commercial planting, the Department of Agriculture announced on Friday.
Foodservice eats up fingerlings, specialty potatoes
Octubre 25, 2014

Foodservice eats up fingerlings, specialty potatoes

Robert Tominaga, president of Heyburn, Idaho-based Southwind Farms, has seen demand for the fingerlings his company grows and other specialties rise dramatically in recent years.
Great Big Idaho Potato Truck nominates Florida Dept. Of Citrus, Washington Apples and Gerorgia Peaches to accept ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Septiembre 04, 2014

Great Big Idaho Potato Truck takes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Showing its support for one of the most popular fundraisers ever, the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) Great Big Idaho® Potato Truck nominated the Florida Department of Citrus, Washington Apples, and Georgia Peaches to accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
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Late blight continues spread in Eastern Idaho
Septiembre 03, 2014

Late blight continues spread in Eastern Idaho

Continued wet August weather has caused late blight infections to proliferate throughout Eastern Idaho, according to University of Idaho Extension potato pathologist Phil Nolte.
All things potato salad
Agosto 06, 2014

Make the Perfect Potato Salad with help of the Idaho Potato Commission

With more than 100 potato salads in its rich recipe database, as well as tips from the experts and how-to videos, the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) website is your top resource for this popular summer side dish.
Current temperatures in the Pacific North West (Courtesy
Julio 16, 2014

Idaho potato growers concerned about crop heat stress

Extreme heat throughout Idaho to start July has raised concerns from some potato and onion growers.
An Idaho Potato Field
Julio 09, 2014

Idaho potato prices down more than 40%

In the first week of June, an Idaho potato grower could expect to receive between $7.75 and $8.25 for 100 pounds of potatoes, depending on quality, according to data. In the first week of July, prices had fallen to between $4.25 and $4.75.
Total Water Storage Pacific North West (US Government, provisional data)
Junio 18, 2014

Eastern Idaho looking good for water, crops

Despite mid-winter concerns, Idaho growers are concern-free this season when it comes to moisture.
Mike Thornton, Ph.D. Professor Parma Research and Extension Center University of Idaho
Junio 13, 2014

Focus on Potato: Factors that cause Sugar Ends in Potatoes

Whether you call them glassy ends, translucent ends, dark ends, jelly ends, or something even less flattering, sugar ends are a significant issue.


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