Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Elorn Plants joins Europatat, a specialist in seed potatoes production and sales based in Brittany, France
Marzo 09, 2025

French seed potato developer Elorn Plants joins Europatat

Europatat warmly welcomes Elorn Plants, a specialist of seed potatoes production and sale based in Finistère, in western Brittany (France). The region is known worldwide for the quality of its seed potato production and the earliness of its shipments.
Significant increase of government support: Recognition of the strategic role of starch potato producers
Noviembre 03, 2024

Significant increase in government support for French starch potato producers

The UNPT welcomes the announcement by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, during the presentation of the new PSN (National Strategic Plan), of the update of the government support for the production of starch potatoes, increasing from €83/ha in 2024, to €173/ha in 2025-26
The AgriSIMA Trade Fair 2026: A new name, a new concept, returning in February
Noviembre 02, 2024

The AgriSIMA Trade Fair 2026: A new name, a new concept, returning in February 2026

AXEMA has decided to reinvent the agricultural professionals' trade fair to better meet the challenges of large-scale crops, mixed farming and livestock farming, and specialized open-field crops.
Francia: 30 mil hectáreas nuevas para las nuevas fabricas
Octubre 29, 2024

Francia: 30 mil hectáreas nuevas para las nuevas fabricas

Grandes jugadores están invirtiendo en desarrollos industriales en Francia. Los productores de patatas deberán estar a la altura de la circunstancias para cumplir con la creciente demanda de materia prima.
Schaap Holland: NAO pavilion at Potato Europe in France is a magnet that brings potato professionals together
Septiembre 11, 2024

Schaap Holland: NAO pavilion at PotatoEurope is a magnet that brings potato professionals together

Schaap Holland is a distinguished participant in the NAO pavilion at Potato Europe. The pavilion serves as the perfect platform for Schaap Holland to showcase its expertise and connect with other professionals in the potato industry.
HarvestEye is a cost-effective method to deliver visible shape and mapping variability of potatoes and onions
Septiembre 10, 2024

PotatoEurope: Harvest Insights tool to make debut in France

Machine-Learning driven crop insights tool HarvestEye is set to make its exhibition debut in France – showcasing its actionable insights to growers, packers and processors as interest continues to grow across Northwestern Europe.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Dewulf Enduro
Septiembre 05, 2024

Dewulf shows its full line of agricultural machinery at Potato Europe 2024

Dewulf, a prominent manufacturer of agricultural machinery for potato cultivation, will present and demonstrate an extensive range of equipment at Potato Europe 2024 in France. This top European agricultural show focused on potato, will be held on September 11 and 12 in Villers-Saint-Christophe (Aisne, France), halfway between Lille and Paris.
It’s Just One Week from Now: Visit Omnivent Techniek at Potato Europe 2024
Septiembre 02, 2024

Just One Week from Now: Visit Omnivent Techniek at Potato Europe 2024

Potato Europe 2024 will be held on September 11th and 12th, 2024, in Villers-Saint-Christophe (Aisne, France). Potato Europe is an annual event for the European potato industry, organized in Germany, Belgium, France, or the Netherlands. 
La papa en el mundo sobre el cierre del año
Noviembre 27, 2023

La papa en el mundo sobre el cierre del año

Una foto del mercado global de la papa de cara a circunstancias climáticas adversas en el hemisferio norte.
‘Potatoes Forever!’ campaign launched in Europe to promote sustainable practices in the potato industry
Octubre 16, 2023

‘Potatoes Forever!’ campaign launched in Europe to promote sustainable practices in the potato industry

Europe has unveiled a EUR 3.2 million (USD 3.4 million) initiative, named “Potatoes Forever!“, aimed at educating the public about sustainable practices within the fresh potato industry. The campaign, set to span three years, will primarily target France and Italy.
La Comisión Europea autoriza una ayudas de 5 millones de euros para apoyar a los productores de patatas franceses en el contexto de la guerra en Ucrania
Julio 14, 2023

La Comisión Europea autoriza una ayudas de 5 millones de euros para apoyar a los productores de patatas franceses en el contexto de la guerra en Ucrania

La Comisión Europea ha autorizado un régimen de ayudas francés por valor de 5 millones de euros para apoyar a los productores de patata de fécula en el contexto de la guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania.
Francisco Moya
Mayo 08, 2023

Francisco Moya, presidente de CNIPT: “Las necesidades de patata en el mundo son muy altas”

Hombre de consensos, firme defensor y creyente de las actuaciones a nivel de conjunto, Moya tomó el relevo de la presidencia del CNIPT a finales de 2022.
France: the extra early Primaline potato has arrived!
Marzo 25, 2023

Extra early Primaline potatoes available in France.

One month ago, Prince de Bretagne started harvesting the extra early Primaline potatoes grown under shelter. The harvest will continue until the end of April, before the open field crops take over.
Starch potatoes: how does France quietly liquidate a sovereign agricultural sector?
Febrero 07, 2023

Starch potatoes: how does France quietly liquidate a sovereign agricultural sector?

Faced with the economic plunge in the potato starch sector, the UNPT calls on producers to mobilize on February 8 at the call of the FNSEA Grand Bassin Parisien to make their demands heard by the Government.
Octubre 19, 2022

La Interprofesional de la Patata de Francia advierte de una bajada generalizada de la producción en Europa

La Interprofesional de la Patata de Francia advierte de una significativa reducción de la producción en toda Europa en un reciente informe.
AVR Spirit 7200 with new Clean & Go bunker
Octubre 18, 2022

AVR presents trailed potato harvester Spirit 7200 with new Clean & Go bunker at SIMA Paris, Interpom

AVR's newest Spirit 7200 recently joined the AVR Spirit family as a trailed, two-row offset potato harvester. New for this machine is that it can now optionally be equipped with the new Clean & Go bunker.
Agosto 30, 2022

Los productores de patata franceses califican de 'catastrófica' la campaña 2022

Ante un colapso histórico del potencial de rendimiento de la patata debido al calor extremo y la sequía calor extremo y la sequía, la Agrupación de Productores de Patata de Francia, UNPT, pide una reacción inmediata de los agentes económicos y a las autoridades públicas para apoyar la producción francesa.
The Delicatesse potato has acquired national fame in no time
Junio 16, 2022

The Delicatesse early potato variety quickly became famous in France

For fifteen years, HDC Lamotte, a French company located in the Drôme department, has been cultivating the Linzer delikatess variety of potatoes, sold under the Délicatesse brand.


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