Cadena de Suministro de Papas

En España desarrollan papas con alto potencial de valor añadido
Mayo 23, 2017

En España desarrollan papas con alto potencial de valor añadido

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia, ha llevado a cabo avances en la mejora genética de patata con el objetivo de obtener variedades con elevados niveles de compuestos bioactivos (antocianinas, fenoles y carotenoides totales), así como capacidad antioxidante beneficiosas para la salud, adaptadas a nuestras condiciones de cultivo.
Unlawful use of farm-saved seed potatoes in Belgium leads to large fine and damage compensation
Mayo 23, 2017

Unlawful use of farm-saved seed potatoes in Belgium leads to large fine and damage compensation

The Antwerp Court of Appeal has sentenced a farmer in the Belgian province of Antwerp to pay a large fine and damage compensation to Breeders Trust for not reporting his acreage farm saved seed for the varieties Asterix and Fontane which are protected under Plant Breeders’ Rights.
Doomsday? Svalbard Seed Vault flooded, threatened by Climate Change
Mayo 19, 2017

Doomsday? Svalbard Seed Vault flooded, threatened by Climate Change

Recent flooding of the global seed vault in Svalbard caused a stir, since it was designed to last forever. Luckily all seeds (including several thousand potato seeds) are OK, but already adaptations to the vault may be needed to deal with climate change.
Great Britain potato stocks at similar level as last year.
Mayo 16, 2017

Great Britain potato stocks at similar level as last year.

Great Britain grower-held potato stock levels at the end of March 2017 were at 1Mt, around the same volume as the end-March 2016 and 300Kt less than the end-March 2015 according to an AHDB estimate.
Value HZPC certificates again increases by the maximum amount
Mayo 14, 2017

Value HZPC certificate again increases by the maximum amount

The value of the certificate of share of HZPC Holding B.V., the world leader in potato breeding and seed potato trade, is determined on € 165.65 at the bi-annual stock trading day. This means again a maximum increase of the value of 10% and it brings the market value to € 129.8 million.
Reino Unido controlará el tizón tardío con papa genéticamente modificada
Mayo 11, 2017

Reino Unido controlará el tizón tardío con papa genéticamente modificada

DEFRA ha aprobado la solicitud del Laboratorio Sainsbury, Norwich, para llevar a cabo ensayos de campo con cultivo de papa genéticamente modificada (GM) en un sitio de ensayo designado en el Norwich Research Park entre 2017 y 2021.
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The Sainsbury Laboratory received approval for a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes
Mayo 11, 2017

The Sainsbury Laboratory received approval for a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes

In the United Kingdom, farming minster George Eustice (DEFRA) has approved a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes at The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich.
Potato Machine Manufacturer AVR highlights Crop Handling & Storage Equipment Options
Mayo 10, 2017

Potato Machine Manufacturer AVR highlights Crop Handling & Storage Equipment Options

Potato Machine Manufacturer AVR explains a number of options for the crop handling & storage equipment launched last season
Buntata: a new tool to identify potato pests and diseases on the go
Mayo 08, 2017

Buntata: a new tool to identify potato pests and diseases on the go

Buntata is a collaborative effort between the University of St Andrews and the James Hutton Institute to enable open access to our information resources and put them at the fingertips of potato growers.
C. Meijer's Jazzy baby potatoes see strong growth
Mayo 06, 2017

C. Meijer's Jazzy baby potatoes see strong growth

The Jazzy baby potato from C. Meijer does not need to be peeled. This variety, introduced seven years ago by the Dutch breeder, just needs to be washed. Jazzy baby potatoes can also be served after only ten minutes of cooking.
España: Galicia empieza a recoger la papa en las zonas infestadas por la polilla guatemalteca
Mayo 03, 2017

España: Galicia empieza a recoger la papa en las zonas infestadas por la polilla guatemalteca

La conselleira de Medio Rural, Ángeles Vázquez, ha comunicado que en los primeros cuatro ayuntamientos en los que se ha empezado a retirar la patata por la plaga de la polilla guatemalteca se han recogido "cerca de 17.000 kilos de patata", y ha pedido la "solidaridad" de los afectados para "facilitar" la recogida.
Potatoes in the Mediterranean at low risk for infection by Zebra Chip disease.
Mayo 03, 2017

Potatoes in the Mediterranean at low risk for infection by Zebra Chip disease

Despite the fact that the bacteria responsible for zebra chip disease occur in the Mediterranean and cause damage in leek and onions, the risk for transfer to potatoes is low, because of the feeding preferences of the transmitting psyllids in this area.
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AVR launches trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter
Abril 24, 2017

AVR launches trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter

Now that the potato planting season is upon us, we have a newcomer in the field. Potato machine manufacturer AVR is launching the trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter.
Europatat Congress 2017 confirms new high level speakers!
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Europatat Congress 2017 confirms new high level speakers!

The organizers of the Europatat 2017 Congress in Antwerp from 15 to 17 June announce the addition of a number of high level speakers to the programme
Bejo introduces its first True Potato Seed variety, Oliver F1
Abril 20, 2017

Bejo introduces its first True Potato Seed variety, Oliver F1

Bejo has obtained breeder’s rights on its first True Potato Seed (TPS) variety. This new potato hybrid, Oliver F1, can be cultivated directly from botanical seed and, after transplanting, produces table potatoes in one season.
Bejo lanza su primera variedad de semilla verdadera de patata
Abril 18, 2017

Bejo lanza su primera variedad de semilla verdadera de papa

Bejo Ibérica S.L.U. ha obtenido los derechos de obtentor para la primera variedad de semilla verdadera de patata (TPS).
North-Western European potato area estimated to grow by 3.6 percent
Abril 18, 2017

North-Western European potato area estimated to grow by 3.6 percent

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimates the potato acreage will grow by 3.6% compared to last season.
Pom’Alliance and Pomuni join forces
Abril 17, 2017

Pom’Alliance and Pomuni join forces

Pom'Alliance and Pomuni are joining forces in the fresh potato sector. Both companies signed mutual cooperation agreements on March 30, 2017.


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