Cadena de Suministro de Papas

In addition to the traditional russet potato, the Texas A&M Potato Breeding and Variety Development Program led by Dr. Creighton Miller is producing a variety of colored gourmet potatoes
Julio 28, 2014

Agrilife Research Putting Designer Potatoes on the Menu to Boost Consumption

A decline in overall potato consumption has Texas A&M AgriLife Research breeders working on “designer” potatoes that meet the time constraints and unique tastes of a younger generation.
Infected tip of a potato stem, with necrosis and sporulation on the stem, petioles and leaves.(Cornell University)
Julio 28, 2014

Late blight reappears in Long Island potato, tomato fields

Late blight, a fungal-like pathogen that affects potato and tomato crops, has been confirmed on Long Island for the sixth consecutive year.
Wisconsin Potato Field in bloom
Julio 24, 2014

Late Blight threatens Wisconsin Potato Fields

A potato disease known as Late blight is threatening some Wisconsin potato fields, but growers are well aware and making strides to prevent it from spreading.
Potato Industry Leadership Institute (PILI)
Julio 22, 2014

Potato Industry Leadership Institute to be Held Feb. 19-26, 2015

The National Potato Council (NPC) and the United States Potato Board (USPB) are accepting applications for the Potato Industry Leadership Institute (PILI) class of 2015. The annual eight-day program, held Feb. 19-26, 2015, is designed to identify, develop, and cultivate new leaders within the U.S. potato industry.
US Consumers are moving toward Smaller-Sized Bags Of Fresh Potatoes
Julio 20, 2014

US Consumers are moving toward Smaller-Sized Bags Of Fresh Potatoes

New sales figures from the United States indicate that when it comes to bagged fresh potatoes, smaller package sizes are starting to sell big.
Chris Voigt, well know form his 20-potatoes-a-day diet
Julio 20, 2014

Washington potato director denies wrongdoing in republican primary

Chris Voigt, executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, is the focal point of a Republican primary election controversy involving the race between Clint Didier and his opponent Dan Newhouse.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Tracebility from Field to Fork - We all have a Stake in a Healthy Food Supply
Julio 16, 2014

Traceability from Field to Fork - We all have a Stake in a Healthy Food Supply

Today’s consumers desire to understand the health and nutritional benefits of the produce they buy. That’s why the Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI), an industry-wide effort aimed at creating a quick and efficient traceability process by electronically tracking produce from the farm fields to supermarket shelves, is vital.
Current temperatures in the Pacific North West (Courtesy
Julio 16, 2014

Idaho potato growers concerned about crop heat stress

Extreme heat throughout Idaho to start July has raised concerns from some potato and onion growers.
Innate potatoes show less discoloration after cutting
Julio 14, 2014

National Potato Council submits Comments in Support of Simplot's Innate Technology

As part of the second and final public environmental assessment comment period for the J.R. Simplot Company's petition to deregulate its biotech Innate™ 1.0 potatoes, the National Potato Council submitted comments to the Federal Register noting that the technology 'could effectively address key production and processing issues facing the potato industry.'
An Idaho Potato Field
Julio 09, 2014

Idaho potato prices down more than 40%

In the first week of June, an Idaho potato grower could expect to receive between $7.75 and $8.25 for 100 pounds of potatoes, depending on quality, according to data. In the first week of July, prices had fallen to between $4.25 and $4.75.
Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use
Junio 26, 2014

Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use

In this USDA research on soybean crops, researchers find a link between minimum winter temperature and pesticide use.
Aversion to GMOs becoming driving factor to buying organic.
Junio 26, 2014

Aversion to GMOs becoming driving factor to buying organic.

Among US families, avoiding GMO's is increasingly becoming one of the drivers to buy organic foods.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Nelson Cox (left) / Jared Balcom (right)
Junio 25, 2014

Washington State Potato Commission Elects New Leadership

The Washington State Potato Commission (WSPC) has elected its new Executive Committee. Nelson Cox was named chair of the commission
Total Water Storage Pacific North West (US Government, provisional data)
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Eastern Idaho looking good for water, crops

Despite mid-winter concerns, Idaho growers are concern-free this season when it comes to moisture.
Angus King
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President signs into law revisions to the EPA rules supporting Maine Farmers

President Obama signed into law revisions to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules that ease compliance for farms across Maine.
Mike Thornton, Ph.D. Professor Parma Research and Extension Center University of Idaho
Junio 13, 2014

Focus on Potato: Factors that cause Sugar Ends in Potatoes

Whether you call them glassy ends, translucent ends, dark ends, jelly ends, or something even less flattering, sugar ends are a significant issue.
2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award winner
Junio 10, 2014

Justin Della Zoppa wins 2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award

Riverland potato producer Justin Della Zoppa has been named the 2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award winner.
Potato and Tomato affected by late blight
Junio 09, 2014

Univ. Florida Research: Late blight pathogen originates from Mexico

A University of Florida scientist has pinpointed Mexico as the origin of the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish Potato Famine, a finding that may help researchers solve the $6 billion-a-year disease that continues to evolve and torment potato and tomato growers around the world.


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