Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Potato plants trigger aboveground defenses in response to tuber attacks
Mayo 05, 2016

Potato plants trigger aboveground defenses in response to tuber attacks

Potato plants boost the chemical defenses in their leaves when Guatemalan tuber moth larvae feed on their tubers, report researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI).
Potato Breeding at Cornell University. An update.
Mayo 02, 2016

Potato Breeding at Cornell University: an update

Potatoes have been bred at Cornell for at least 50 years and 70% of the university’s breeding efforts are focused on developing new chip varieties. Walter De Jong reports.
Growing Insecticide Resistance of Potato Psyllids investigated at AgriLife Research
Abril 25, 2016

Growing Insecticide Resistance of Potato Psyllids investigated at AgriLife Research

Entomologist Ada Szczepaniec at Texas A&M AgriLife Research is addressing the concern of growing resistance of potato psyllids to the neonicotinoid classification of insecticides.
Fingerling Potato Segment continues to grow in the United States
Abril 20, 2016

US Fingerling Potato Segment continues to grow

Colorado based Strohauer Farms are trying out a couple more fingerling varieties this season - adding to an already impressive line-up of specialty potatoes - as they continue to see growth in the fingerling potato segment.
Black Gold Farms is expanding its succesful locally grown program
Abril 13, 2016

Black Gold Farms is expanding its successful locally grown program

Black Gold Farms understands the importance of marketing and merchandising to driving volume & profit growth for their retail customers, and nowhere is this more evident than with Black Gold Farms locally-grown initiatives.
Marquart Bros New York Chips fried in avocado oil a "runaway success" at Wegmans
Abril 12, 2016

Marquart Bros New York Chips fried in avocado oil a 'runaway success' at Wegmans

Earlier this year, Marquart farms launched New York Chips, a new Potato Chip line made from 100% New York Potatoes and cooked in avocado oil
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Potatoes USA Elects Leadership Positions
Abril 11, 2016

Potatoes USA Elects Leadership Positions

The Potatoes USA grower membership elected new leadership during its Annual Meeting held in Colorado Springs, Colo., March 14-17
The Little Potato Company plans a new US Head Office and Plant in Wisconsin
Abril 07, 2016

The Little Potato Company plans a new US Head Office and Plant in Wisconsin

The Little Potato Company announces its plan to set up a new $20 million US Head Office and processing facility in DeForest near Madison, Wisconsin.
Descubren un marcador molecular del calcio en la papa
Abril 01, 2016

Descubren un marcador molecular del calcio en la papa

Investigadores estadounidenses de la USDA-ARS y la Universidad de Winsconsin-Madison encontraron una papa silvestre con siete veces más calcio que las papas que acostumbramos a ver en los supermercados.
Fresh Solutions Network announces seasonal in-store promotions
Marzo 21, 2016

Fresh Solutions Network announces seasonal in-store promotions

Fresh Solutions Network announced today its seasonal, in-store promotions, for retailers to celebrate the bright taste of spring and hot summer grilling with free-standing, promotionally themed merchandise displays, and coordinating point-of-purchase signage for Side Delights® Potatoes.
United States Potato Board has a new name: Potatoes USA
Marzo 21, 2016

United States Potato Board has a new name: Potatoes USA

During the 44th Annual Meeting of the National Potato Promotion Board, Board Members voted to change its dba (doing business as—business name) from the United States Potato Board, U.S. Potato Board, or USPB, to Potatoes USA
Maine potato growers concerned about losing Imidacloprid
Marzo 21, 2016

Maine potato growers concerned about losing Imidacloprid

Potato growers in Maine are cautiously watching the actions of the EPA as it reviews federal regulations for a popular insecticide (Imidacloprid - an effective insecticide against the Colorado potato beetle) that can be harmful to bees.
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Two Blades Foundation partners with Simplot and Sainsbury Laboratories to advance potato disease resistance
Marzo 10, 2016

Two Blades Foundation partners with Simplot and The Sainsbury Laboratory to advance potato disease resistance

The Two Blades Foundation (2Blades) announced a research partnership between 2Blades, The Sainsbury Laboratory, and J. R. Simplot Company to develop potato varieties with increased resistance to oomycete and bacterial diseases.
EPA Approves Federal Potato Registration for non-fumigant nematicide Velum® Prime
Marzo 10, 2016

EPA Approves Federal Potato Registration for non-fumigant nematicide Velum® Prime

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted federal registration of the new, non-fumigant nematicide Velum® Prime offered by Bayer CropScience's for use on potatoes.
Dickeya Species pester Maine Seed Potato Growers
Marzo 06, 2016

Dickeya Species pester Maine Seed Potato Growers

A little-understood bacteria is bringing back the older potato disease Blackleg and is threatening the reputation of Maine seed potatoes
Tomorrow's Leaders Trained at 2016 Potato Industry Leadership Institute
Marzo 01, 2016

Tomorrow's Leaders Trained at 2016 Potato Industry Leadership Institute

From February 17-24, Potato Industry Leadership Institute (PILI) participants traveled from potato growing regions across the United States to attend eight days of industry training and professional development.
Fresh Solutions Network Wins Packaging Design Award For Side Delights Roastables
Febrero 25, 2016

Fresh Solutions Network Wins Packaging Design Award For Side Delights Roastables

Fresh Solutions Network announced its packaging design award from Graphic Design USA, American Packaging Design Awards.
Molecular Marker for high Calcium trait can help breeding better potato varietes
Febrero 24, 2016

Molecular Marker for high Calcium trait can help breeding better potato varieties

Researchers discovered that in a wild variety of potato (Solanum Microdontum) Calcium levels are about seven times higher than in a regular potato. They developed a molecular marker to facilitate the transfer of the high Calcium trait to newly bred potato varieties.


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