Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Potatoes gain credibility for performance in PyeongChang Olympic athlete’s village kitchen
Febrero 21, 2018

Potatoes gain credibility for performance in PyeongChang Olympic athlete’s village kitchen

Potatoes as a performance food are gaining notoriety during the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, with the newly released Olympian Menu and announcement that performance nutrition is now a critical part of athletes’ strategy to win
Hapka Farm receives prestigious National Potato Council Award
Febrero 15, 2018

Hapka Farm receives prestigious National Potato Council Award

The National Potato Council, at their 2018 annual meeting, held January 12 in Orlando, Florida, presented the 2017 Environmental Stewardship Award to HFC, INC of Halma, Minnesota.
Disminuye la producción de papa en Canadá y EUA
Febrero 12, 2018

Disminuye la producción de papa en Canadá y EUA

El Departamento de Agricultura y Estadísticas de los Estados Unidos (USDA) estima que los productores de papa de América del Norte produjeron 506 millones de quintales (1 quintal: 0,056 toneladas) en otoño de 2017. Esa cantidad corresponde a una disminución del 1% con respecto a 2016
Genome of the Colorado Potato Beetle studied as a model species for agricultural pest
Febrero 01, 2018

Genome of the Colorado Potato Beetle studied as a model species for agricultural pest

The Colorado potato beetle is notorious for its role in starting the pesticide industry - and for its ability to resist the insecticides developed to stop it. Now scientists have sequenced the beetle’s genome, probing its genes for clues to its surprising adaptability.
When pests graze certain potatoes, yields double
Enero 13, 2018

When pests graze certain potatoes, yields double

When some Colombian potato varieties are lightly grazed by a pest, the plants respond by growing larger tubers, at times doubling their yields. Researchers see an opportunity and want to know more...
North America's biggest Potato Industry event is happening this week in Orlando
Enero 10, 2018

North America's biggest Potato Industry event is happening this week in Orlando

This week more than 2,000 growers, suppliers, and experts will converge at the largest conference and trade show for the potato industry held in North America, Potato Expo 2018.
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Tasteful Selections highlights bite-sized potatoes in yearlong Fresh Campaign
Enero 10, 2018

Tasteful Selections highlights bite-sized potatoes in yearlong Fresh Campaign

Tasteful Selections™, a specialty potato brand from RPE Inc., proudly announces the launch of its yearlong Always Fresh campaign, with insights and inspiration revolving around healthy, nutritious recipes and kitchen tips for more confident meal preparation.
Experimental potato delivers bounty of vitamin A and E
Diciembre 21, 2017

Experimental potato delivers bounty of vitamin A and E

An experimental 'golden' potato has the potential to provide as much as 42 percent of a child’s recommended daily intake of vitamin A and 34 percent of a child’s recommended intake of vitamin E, according to a study co-led at The Ohio State University.
Certis USA Licenses New Virus Technology for Control of Fall Armyworm
Diciembre 11, 2017

Certis USA Licenses New Virus Technology for Control of Fall Armyworm

Certis USA has entered into an agreement with Corpoica, the Colombian Corporation for Agriculture Research, to license Corpoica’s Spodoptera frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV) strain NPV003 and formulation technology for a biopesticide against the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).
Maine Potato Board happy about spud quality, new variety
Diciembre 04, 2017

Maine Potato Board happy about spud quality, new variety

After one of the most unique potato harvests in recent memory, Don Flannery, executive director of the Maine Potato Board, said Wednesday that he felt good about all the industry accomplished this year and was optimistic about year ahead.
Potatoes USA Organises First Ever School Foodservice Potato Recipe Testing Roadshow
Noviembre 30, 2017

Potatoes USA Organises First Ever School Foodservice Potato Recipe Testing Roadshow

Earlier this month representatives from Potatoes USA met with the School District of LaCrosse, Wisconsin to test school foodservice recipes with the K-12 experts themselves.
UMaine receive grant for potato breeding and to improve quality and pest resistance
Noviembre 27, 2017

UMaine receives grant for potato breeding with focus on quality improvement and pest resistance

The USDA-NIFA has awarded a grant totaling $388,000 to the University of Maine to study potato breeding and improve quality and pest resistance in the eastern United States.
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United States Fall Potato Production down 2 percent
Noviembre 20, 2017

USDA: United States Fall Potato Production 2017 down 2 percent

The first official USDA data for harvest 2017 show the United States production of fall potatoes is down 2 percent from last year, forecast at 399 million cwt.
Potato researchers gather in Maine to find a solutions for the Blackleg disease
Noviembre 17, 2017

Potato researchers gather in Maine to find solutions for the Blackleg disease

Researchers from all over the world were in Bangor for the '2017 Dickeya and Pectobacterium Summit', organized by the University of Maine Extension.
Una papa transgénica “dorada” podría reducir la desnutrición
Noviembre 09, 2017

Una papa transgénica “dorada” podría reducir la desnutrición

Investigadores de la Universidad de Ohio experimentan con una papa que podría llegar a prevenir muertes y enfermedades. Sobre todo en aquellos países en donde la gente depende del almidón del tubérculo para el sustento.
Unofficial Estimate US Potato Production 2017: between 0 and 3 percent below last year
Noviembre 07, 2017

Unofficial US Potato Production Estimate for 2017: 0 to 3 percent below 2016

The USDA has provided a first - unofficial - estimate on the total potato production in the United States in its 'Vegetables and Pulses Outlook' published October 27: between 0 and 3 percent below last year
Analyzing the genes of ancient potatoes helps to improve future varieties
Noviembre 01, 2017

Analyzing the genes of ancient potatoes helps to improve future potato varieties

Examining the ancestors of the modern, North American cultivated potato has revealed a set of common genes and important genetic pathways that have helped potatoes adapt over thousands of years.
Penn State Students help Sterman Masser Potato Farms find New Potato Products
Octubre 27, 2017

Penn State Students help Sterman Masser Potato Farms find New Potato Products

Penn State Ag Sciences students are in the trenches with Sterman Masser Potato Farms to find new and convenient potato products


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