Asuntos Legales

Algunos agricultores optan por no sacar las patatas de la tierra para no aumentar las pérdidas
Noviembre 02, 2020

Los Precios de la Patata Fríen a los Agricultores de Castilla y León

La cotización de este tubérculo ha llegado a un punto en el que casi se paga por vender y la Unión de Pequeños Agricultores (UPA) denuncia que se incumple la Ley de la Cadena Alimentaria en Castilla y León.
Brexit reality dawns for Irish potato growers
Octubre 14, 2020

Brexit reality dawns for Irish potato growers

The potato trade has been warned to have all seed potatoes for next year’s crop imported from Britain by December 31. A trade notice issued by the Irish Department of Agriculture said imports of 'certified seed and ware potatoes' from Britain will be prohibited from the end of 2020 when the UK leaves the EU.
La Cosecha de Papa en Tucuman, Argentina con Protocolos Sanitarios
Octubre 14, 2020

La Cosecha de Papa en Tucuman, Argentina con Protocolos Sanitarios

El gobernador, Juan Manzur, visitó la localidad Argentina de Los Sarmientos, en Aguilares, donde constató y valoró las normas con que se lleva a cabo la recolección.
Dirk Garos y Paul O'Connor, de Restrain: 'Nosotros tenemos la mejor alternativa al CIPC, cuya fecha límite se acerca'
Septiembre 28, 2020

Dirk Garos y Paul O'Connor, de Restrain: 'Nosotros tenemos la mejor alternativa al CIPC, cuya fecha límite se acerca'

El 1 de enero de 2020 se prohibió el uso de CIPC en la Unión Europea. La fecha límite para, entre otras cosas, el almacenamiento de patatas con CIPC se ha fijado en el 8 de octubre de 2020.
Kurdistan's Potato Farmers Protest Cheap, Banned Imports
Septiembre 28, 2020

Kurdistan's Potato Farmers Protest Cheap, Banned Imports

Farmers dumped their potatoes in front of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)’s agriculture ministry in Erbil on Thursday, protesting banned imports that have pushed their produce out of the market.
Call on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade
Septiembre 09, 2020

ePhyto: Electronic phytosanitary certification can facilitate international agricultural trade

The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the IPPC ePhyto Solution calls on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade, which would be crucial in safeguarding global food security beyond the Covid-19 recovery period.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Bruselas aprueba un plan búlgaro de 29 millones de euros para ayudar a ganaderos y productores de patatas afectados por el coronavirus.
Agosto 31, 2020

Bruselas aprueba plan búlgaro de ayuda a productores de patatas por el Covid-19

La Comisión Europea ha aprobado un plan búlgaro de aproximadamente 29 millones de euros para ayudar a los agricultores que crían rumiantes grandes y pequeños y a los productores de patatas afectados por el brote de coronavirus.
The National Potato Council Urges SBA to Include Ag Businesses in Disaster Loan Program
Abril 02, 2020

The National Potato Council Urges SBA to Include Ag Businesses in Disaster Loan Program

The National Potato Council joined 30 agriculture organizations and businesses yesterday calling on the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to include agricultural businesses in the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program.
Hot potato: the J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods patent fight
Marzo 13, 2020

Hot potato: the J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods patent fight

J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods have spent the last few years battling in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho over issues related to – unsurprisingly – potatoes, with each party asserting a design patent related to a spiraled potato.
AHDB warns UK potato growers not to use CIPC at 2020 store loading
Febrero 09, 2020

AHDB warns UK potato growers not to use CIPC at 2020 store loading

AHDB Potatoes warns potato growers in the United Kingdom not to use the sprout inhibitor CIPC on their 2020 potatoes, as it makes it impossible to sell them. In fact ALL European farmers should follow this advice!
Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds
Enero 13, 2020

Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds

Entering a new era in potato storage: Belgapom has formulated its position on how to handle chlorpropham as of the 2020 harvest.
Prosecco-flavoured Pringles: Did festive snack break EU law?
Enero 07, 2020

Prosecco-flavoured Pringles: Did festive snack break EU law?

Prosecco and pink peppercorn: it was a fantasy combination of flavours designed to excite consumer tastebuds over the Christmas holiday period in 2018.
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Evitan la huelga en el fabricante de patatas fritas de Mercadona
Diciembre 16, 2019

Evitan la huelga en el fabricante de patatas fritas de Mercadona

Los 24 trabajadores de Ibersnacks pedían un aumento en el salario al fabricante de patatas de Hacendado
Japan's Upper House Approves Historic U.S.- Japan Agreement on Agricultural Trade
Diciembre 04, 2019

Japan's Upper House Approves Historic U.S.- Japan Agreement on Agricultural Trade

The National Potato Council cheered the passage of the U.S.- Japan Agreement on Agricultural Trade by Japan’s Upper House.
Pepsico India's ownership of Potato variety FL-2027 again challenged in farmer protests
Noviembre 26, 2019

Pepsico India's ownership of Potato variety FL-2027 again challenged in farmer protests

Farmers' rights activists on Tuesday planted FL-2027 seed potatoes on a plot of farmland in Ahmedabad, Gujarat to protest food and beverages major PepsiCo's reassertion of rights over the variety.
After backing out of an original offer entirely, the Oregon Potato Company now offers to purchase a single NORPAC facility
Noviembre 17, 2019

After backing out of an original offer entirely, the Oregon Potato Company now offers to purchase a single NORPAC facility

US Farmer cooperative NORPAC Foods filed a motion in bankruptcy court Friday afternoon to sell its Quincy, Washington, plant for USD 93.5 million to Oregon Potato Company.
Brexit: UK potatoes delisted from Polish supermarket
Octubre 25, 2019

Brexit: UK potatoes delisted from Polish supermarket

British potatoes have been delisted from a number of lines in Poland’s largest supermarket due to fears of a no-deal Brexit, according to a large UK potato exporter, which has had to cancel orders with its growers as a result.
Boyacá pide proteger a productores nacionales ante posible ingreso de papa congelada de UE
Octubre 23, 2019

Boyacá pide proteger a productores nacionales ante posible ingreso de papa congelada de UE

Según el gobernador de Boyacá, Carlos Amaya, ante dicha pretensión del viejo continente de ingresar el producto sin arancel se afectaría directamente a los campesinos boyacenses.


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