Almidón de Papa y sus Derivados

Agosto 30, 2010

China comienza investigación anti-subsidio contra almidón de patata importado desde la UE

China anunció este lunes que investigará si los países miembros de la Unión Europea (UE) subvencionaron las exportaciones de almidón de patata a China, en cuyo caso analizaría la repercusión de dichos subsidios en la industria doméstica. Se trata de l...
 Amflora starch potato
Junio 22, 2010

EU to change approval system for GMO crops

The European Union is to radically overhaul its approval system for genetically modified (GM) crops from next month, opening the way to large-scale GM cultivation in Europe, draft proposals seen by Reuters on Friday showed. With most Europeans showing...
 Anton Haverkort
Marzo 11, 2010

Haverkort: 'Nog paar jaar voor Modena teelttoelating krijgt'

Het duurt nog een aantal jaren voor de Europese Commissie een teelttoelating geeft voor de genetisch veranderde aardappel Modena van Avebe. Ondanks dat BASF de eerste teelttoelating heeft gekregen voor de genaardappel Amflora. Dat zegt onderzoekscoö...
 BASF's Amflora starch potato
Marzo 03, 2010

Amflora approval is a hot potato in GM debate

The European Commission’s approval of BASF’s GM Amflora potato for cultivation in the EU could mark the end of European deadlock over genetic modification, and has been celebrated and decried with equal measure by commentators on both sides of the deba...
 GM Amflora starch potato approved in EU
Marzo 02, 2010

Amflora starch potatoes first EU approved GM crop in 12 years

The European Union today approved the first new genetically modified (GM) crop for domestic growing in more than a decade, ending what has been a long stalemate over a backlog of GM crops awaiting cultivation approval.   The decision by the European C...
 Papa Amflora aprovada en la Unión Europea
Marzo 02, 2010

Europa aprueba cultivo de papa transgénica

La Comisión Europea (CE) aprobó hoy el cultivo en la Unión Europea (UE) de una variedad de patata genéticamente modificada, fabricada por la empresa alemana BASF, la primera autorización del tipo concedida en los últimos 12 años. La patata Amflora pod...
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Junio 11, 2009

Safety Amflora GMO potato reconfirmed by EFSA

German chemical maker BASF (BASF.DE) said on Thursday its genetically modified potato, Amflora, designed to yield industrial starch, has again been described as safe for humans in a recommendation by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). "T...
Febrero 19, 2009

Locatie veldproeven mag niet geheim worden gehouden

Greenpeace en Biologica zijn blij met de beslissing van het Europese Hof over de locatie van proefvelden. Volgens Het Hof mag de locatie van veldproeven met gentechgewassen niet geheim gehouden worden. Het Hof baseert zich op internationale afspraken d...
Diciembre 09, 2008

Starch industry demands swift approval of genetically optimized potatoes

The leading European potato starch companies AVEBE, Emsland-Stärke, and Lyckeby Industrial demand the use of innovative technologies in agriculture. According to the starch producers, genetically optimized starch potatoes like Amflora from BASF Plant S...
Noviembre 04, 2008

Aardappelzetmeel-concern Avebe aarzelt nog over aanvraag toelating Modena

Aardappelzetmeelbedrijf Avebe aarzelt nog altijd over het indienen van een toelatingsaanvraag bij de EU voor de genetisch veranderde aardappel Modena. Het concern hikt erg aan tegen de lange en kostbare aanvraagprocedure, zei onderzoeksmanager Peter ...
Julio 24, 2008

BASF Plant Science takes Amflora case to EU Court

BASF Plant Science today filed an action with the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg against the EU Commission for failure to act. According to the company, the approval process of the cultivation of Amflora, its genetically improved potato...
Julio 15, 2008

Agrana ratings downgraded

Analyst Martina Valenta of Erste Bank downgrades Agrana AG (AGB1) from "hold"to "reduce,"while reducing her estimates for the company. The target price has been reduced from €72.40 to €54.00.In a research note published this mornin...
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Mayo 26, 2008

Agrana acquires 50% of Studen Group

Leading sugar and starch producer in Central and Eastern Europe, Agrana has announced it has acquired, subject to regulatory authority approval, 50 per cent of the shares in the sugar sales operations of the Studen Group, Vienna.
Mayo 07, 2008

EU delays decision on licensing to grow new biotech crops

The European Commission has delayed decisions on licensing the cultivation of three biotech crops.This raises new doubts about whether the EU will live up to promises to open its market to genetically modified foods.EU officials say the two corn and o...
Mayo 05, 2008

Environmental groups urge EU to reject 3 new biotech crops

Environmental groups appealed to the European Union on Monday to reject applications from the biotech industry to approve one newly engineered potato variety and two corn crops. Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth Europe also argued for rules to ensu...
Abril 18, 2008

BASF threatens EU over Amflora Starch Potato

For nine months, the European Commission has been considering whether to approve the cultivation of Amflora, a genetically engineered starch potato. On Thursday, the company involved said it would take the EU executive to court if it doesn't decide s...
 Potato Starch
Abril 14, 2008

Potato Starch Manufacturers see commercial opportunity for amylopectin starch from GMO potatoes

AVEBE, Emsland and Lyckeby, the three leading European potato starch producers, are calling on the European Commission to approve Amflora for commercial cultivation in Europe. Amflora is a genetically enhanced starch potato developed by BASF Plant Sci...
Febrero 17, 2008

BASF gene-altered starch potato Amflora is dividing EU

The Amflora potato looks like any garden-variety spud, but it has been genetically modified by the German chemical giant BASF to be unusually rich in starch. It also has aroused concerns that sick people and the elderly could become more vulnerable to...


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