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Crop Systems to show improved Smartstor storage controller at British Potato (BP2019)
Octubre 30, 2019

Crop Systems to show improved SmartStor storage controller at British Potato (BP2019)

UK Storage systems provider Crop Systems Limited is adding new features to its SmartStor® controller, which will help users reduce storage costs, while improving their ability to manage stores remotely on mobile devices. See it at BP2019!
C. Meijer BV: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'
Octubre 29, 2019

C. Meijer BV: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'

Willem in 't Anker, C. Meijer BV, Rilland: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'
Europlant Holland: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'
Octubre 28, 2019

Europlant Holland: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'

Jörg Renatus, Europlant Holland, Heerenveen: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'
Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'

Jacob Eising, Den Hartigh, Emmeloord: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
El sector de la patata busca alternativas para quitar los ojos al tubérculo
Octubre 16, 2019

El sector de la patata busca alternativas para quitar los ojos al tubérculo

La jornada técnica que inauguró la Festa da Pataca de Coristanco abordó temas como la retirada del mercado de productos como Clorprofam o Diquat o cómo el brexit afectará a los productores de toda España.
Los exportadores de patatas tendrán un gran problema si sigue adelante la prohibición del clorprofam
Octubre 16, 2019

Los exportadores de patatas tendrán un gran problema si sigue adelante la prohibición del clorprofam

La prohibición de la UE del uso del antigerminativo clorprofam es desastrosa para los exportadores holandeses de patatas, según comenta Teun Paarlberg, de la exportadora holandesa G. Sevenhuysen VOF.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Septiembre 12, 2019

Gran afluencia de público en Potato Europe

La feria Potato Europe contó con la participación de muchos productores y proveedores. Hubo demostraciones de cosechas y mucho más en la edición de este año, que tuvo lugar en la ciudad belga de Tournai los pasados días 4 y 5 de septiembre.
POTATO EUROPE 2019 Expected to be a Real Success!
Agosto 21, 2019

POTATO EUROPE 2019: With less than three weeks to go, time for an update!

The last potatoes were planted at the end of April at PotatoEurope’s demo site and until the end of May the participation demands continued to come in. With less than three weeks to go, time for an update!
Búsqueda mundial de alternativas al CIPC libres de residuos
Agosto 15, 2019

Búsqueda mundial de alternativas al CIPC libres de residuos

A partir de 2020, la Comisión Europea prohibirá el CIPC como antigerminativo en patata, lo que plantea un desafío para muchos productores.
Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich focuses on Agritechnica and Agribex, skips Potato Europe
Agosto 10, 2019

Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich focuses on Agritechnica and Agribex, skips Potato Europe

Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich has decided not to take part in the Potato Europe event in Kain, Belgium, this year, and will instead be focusing fully on the Agritechnica fair in Hanover (November) and the Agribex show in Brussels (December)
UK potato farmers pleased to see restrictions on Maleic Hydrazide lifted
Agosto 01, 2019

UK potato farmers pleased to see restrictions on Maleic Hydrazide lifted

In the United Kingdom, restrictions on the use of products containing Maleic Hydrazide (MH) - used to control volunteers and to suppress sprouting during storage - have been removed following a review by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) of the HSE.
United Kingdom potato growers 'very worried' as homegrown crop shortage looms
Julio 31, 2019

United Kingdom potato growers 'very worried' as homegrown crop shortage looms

UK consumers may face a home-grown potatoes shortage next year as stocks run out due to new storage rules.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Aceite de menta verde como alternativa natural para el almacenamiento de patatas
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Aceite de menta verde como alternativa natural para el almacenamiento de patatas

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La Comisión Europea prohibe el clorprofam
Junio 19, 2019

La Comisión Europea prohibe el clorprofam

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Congress 2019 The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food. (Courtesy: Europatat)
Mayo 13, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 - Main speakers confirmed!

The Europatat 2019 Congress, co-organised by the Norwegian Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (NFGF) and Europatat, will take place in Oslo (Norway) from 12 to 14 June 2019. Under the slogan 'The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food'
Not surprisingly, potatoes from Hungary are running out. (Courtesy: Infostart)
Mayo 10, 2019

Hungarian stores have run out of domestic potatoes

Hungary hasn't been self-sufficient in the potato market for a long time, but the price of potatoes in February was still extraordinary.
Ray Andrews of Crop Systems with the firm's new web-based potato store controller called SmartStor.
Abril 29, 2019

UK potato store operators ill-informed on energy use

Many potato store operators could make significant savings in energy costs if they obtained more usage data to make informed decisions, according to Ray Andrews of Crop Systems Limited.


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