
 Kettle Brand potato chips sea salt
Abril 29, 2010

Kettle Brand® Potato Chips Lightly Salted now called Sea Salt

The classic Kettle Brand® Potato Chips Lightly Salted flavor is now Sea Salt. The subtle shift in name reflects the all natural ingredients always used in every recipe and captures the brand’s reputation for delivering delicious flavor in every crunch...
 Per capita food consumption (comparing countries)
Abril 03, 2010

United States top consumer of prepackaged foods

No country has embraced the movement toward commercialized, prepackaged food as much as the United States.   Americans eat 31 percent more packaged food than fresh food, and they consume more packaged food per person than their counterparts in nearly ...
Marzo 22, 2010

Health Care bill causes big changes in Restaurant Industry

As President Barack Obama prepares to sign a sweeping health care reform bill into law, the foodservice industry faces changes of historic proportion. In addition to requiring many restaurant operators to contribute to health care coverage for their ...
 Fructose syrup may contribute to obesity
Marzo 22, 2010

Princeton research suggests HFCS may contribute to obesity problem

A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their o...
 Salero aplicando sal
Marzo 22, 2010

Pepsico reducirá sodio, azúcar y grasas en sus productos

La compañía alimenticia PepsiCo planea reducir en un cuarto el sodio encontrado en cada porción de los productos de sus marcas principales en un plazo de cinco años, anunció el lunes. La compañía, que fabrica papas fritas Frito-Lay y bebidas Pepsi, an...
Marzo 21, 2010

'Designer Salt' could reduce sodium in Lays Potato Chips

Later this month, at a pilot manufacturing plant in Plano, Texas PepsiCo Inc. plans to start churning out batches of a secret new ingredient to make its Lay's potato chips healthier. The ingredient is a new "designer salt"whose crystals are ...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Center for Science in the Public Interest
Marzo 21, 2010

Health Reform to Deliver Calorie Counts to Chain Restaurant Menus Nationwide

Tucked neatly inside the health reform legislation headed to the Oval Office for a presidential signature is langcode that will require calorie labeling on chain restaurant menus, menu boards, and drive-through displays, as well as on vending machines....
 Michelle Obama at GMA
Marzo 17, 2010

Michelle Obama urges food industry to 'Step it up'

First Lady Michelle Obama has been reaching out to everyone about moving forward together to give all our children the healthy start to life that they deserve!
 FDA Food and Drug Administration
Marzo 03, 2010

FDA gets tough on food labeling

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has notified 17 food manufacturers that the labeling for 22 of their food products violates the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The action follows an October 2009 statement by Commissioner of Food and Drugs...
 FDA Food and Drug Administration
Marzo 02, 2010

FDA Survey Finds More Americans Read Information on Food Labels

A majority of consumers read food labels and are increasingly aware of the link between good nutrition and reducing the risk of disease, according to the latest survey of dietary habits released today by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The 200...
 salt shaker
Marzo 01, 2010

Crackdown on salt could save U.S. billions

Working with the food industry to cut salt intake by nearly 10 percent could prevent hundreds of thousands of heart attacks and strokes over several decades and save the U.S. government $32 billion in healthcare costs, U.S. researchers said on Monday....
 Obama signs Memorandum on Childhood Obesity
Febrero 09, 2010

Michelle Obama begins fight against childhood obesity

In the State Dining Room at the White House, first lady Michelle Obama rolled out her national initiative to combat childhood obesity Tuesday afternoon with a show of force that included medical, business and government officials, grass-roots activis...
Contenido Patrocinado

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 Obama firma la orden ejecutiva
Febrero 09, 2010

Obama se compromete a luchar contra la obesidad infantil en Estados Unidos

El presidente de EE.UU., Barack Obama, firmó hoy una orden ejecutiva para combatir la obesidad infantil como parte de los esfuerzos de la primera dama para promover el ejercicio y una buena alimentación entre los más pequeños. Obama, acompañado de su ...
Enero 27, 2010

Nutrition Menu Labeling May Lead to Lower-Calorie Restaurant Meal Choices for Children

A study published in Pediatrics shows that when nutritional information is available on fast-food restaurant menus, parents are more apt to pick lower-calorie foods for their kids. Often spurred on by legislation, many U.S. restaurant chains are now po...
Enero 16, 2010

Estados Unidos congela sus tasas de obesidad

Las tasas de obesidad de Estados Unidos no aumentaron durante el periodo entre 2003 y 2008, según muestran los resultados de un estudio realizado por el National Center for Health Statistics at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. En c...
Enero 15, 2010

Have US obesity data reached a plateau?

Americans, at least as a group, may have reached their peak of obesity, according to data the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Wednesday.The numbers indicate that obesity rates have remained constant for at least five years among men...
Enero 13, 2010

New Jersey readies menu labeling law

New Jersey lawmakers passed Wednesday a measure requiring restaurant chains with 20 or more outlets around the country to post calorie counts on menus and menu boards in their locations throughout the state.The state Assembly passed the bill by a margi...
Enero 13, 2010

Nueva York ordena reducir un 25% la sal de los alimentos

El alcalde de Nueva York, Michael Bloomberg, sigue con su cruzada por la vida sana. Primero, prohibió fumar en bares y restaurantes de la ciudad. Después, obligó a retirar las grasas trans y a especificar las calorías en los menús. Y ahora lanza una ca...


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