Proveedores de Variedades de Patata en Sudamérica

Diagnosticos Vegetales

Diagnosticos Vegetales specialized in providing diagnostic services for plant diseases and sanitary management of potato crops, as well as in the production of seed potato minitubers.

Diagnosticos Vegetales S.A.

Diagnosticos Vegetales S.A. is a leading independent provider of services and products focused on plant biotechnology for the breeding of seed potatoes and other crops.

Instituto Nacional de Semillas (INASE)

Instituto Nacional de Semillas (INASE) tiene como objetivo promover una actividad eficiente de producción y comercialización de semillas, asegurar al productor agrario la identidad y calidad de la semilla que adquieren y proteger la propiedad de las creaciones fitogenéticas.

International Potato Center (CIP)

The International Potato Center or Centro Internacional de la Papa (also known by its Spanish acronym, CIP) seeks to reduce poverty and achieve food security on a sustained basis in developing countries.


Nesmaral specializes in the production, storage, washing and bagging of potatoes for fresh consumption, and on a smaller scale they produce soybeans, corn and wheat. Every year they produce, wash and bag potatoes for the local and export markets.


NovaSeed performs research and genetic development of potato seeds; they search for varieties with special features, inspired by today's demanding markets.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Papas Arcoiris

Papas Arcoiris es una empresa familiar, fundada en 2002 por Boris Contreras Kusch junto a su padre, Andrés Contreras (1943-2014). Está ubicada en Puerto Varas, Región de Los Lagos, y se dedica a la producción de papas de diferentes colores y formas, para comercializarlas tanto en Chile como en los mercados más exigentes del mundo.


Rustikas.Uy es una empresa en Uruguay especializada en la producción aeropónica de minitubérculos de variedades de papa resistentes a virus.

Semillas S.Z. (HZPC Chili)

Semillas S.Z., a company with Chilean and Dutch capitals, has more than 40 years of experience in the production of high-quality, certified seed potatoes. They work exclusively in Chile with the genetics and varieties of HZPC


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