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Prins Verpakkingstechniek BV
Prins Verpakkingstechniek is based in The Netherlands with a second manufacturing plant in Germany named Innotech. Prins Verpakkingstechniek is a worldwide supplier of weighing and packaging equipment for the food and non-food industry and specialized in potatoes and French fries.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Profytodsd BV
Profytodsd offers specialized, tailored advisory services for growers, covering both crop-specific and farm-wide needs. With expertise across various sectors, including flower bulbs, arable crops, organic farming, and livestock, Profytodsd advisors provide customized guidance based on each grower's unique goals and capabilities.
Pulsemaster es una empresa innovadora que proporciona sistemas de Campo Eléctrico Pulsado (PEF, por sus siglas en inglés) para la industria alimentaria. Aplicado en productos de papas, verduras, frutas y carne con el propósito de desintegrar células, el tratamiento PEF conduce a procesos de producción más eficientes.
Rema Environmental Machinery BV
Rema Environmental Machinery BV is a Dutch manufacturer of agricultural equipment. Their products include a Potato haulm pulling machine, root under cutting equipment and a spot-on sprayer.