Solapas principales

Rema Environmental Machinery BV


Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

Rema Environmental Machinery BV is a Dutch manufacturer of agricultural equipment.

Their products include a Potato haulm pulling machine, root under cutting equipment and a spot-on sprayer.

Tipos de productos que ofrece esta empresa

Noticias de esta Compañia

REMA Environmental Machinery BV has developed a 48 Volt full electrical driven haulm puller / root cutter
Noviembre 13, 2018

REMA has developed a 48 Volt fully electrically driven potato haulm puller / root cutter

REMA Environmental Machinery BV has developed a 48 Volt fully electrically driven haulm puller / root cutter for mechanical potato haulm (foliage) destruction in (seed) potatoes.

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Rema Environmental Machinery BV

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