Proveedores de Almidón Nativo de Papa


Goodrich Cereals

Goodrich Cereals es un fabricante y exportador líder de productos de alta calidad basados en papa, que incluyen copos de papa, copos de papa molidos, granulos de papa, harina de papa y otros productos deshidratados de papa como rodajas, ralladuras, cubos y dados.
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Contenido Patrocinado

Siddharth Starch

Siddharth Starch es actualmente el único fabricante de almidón de papa nativo ubicado en la India. Siddharth Starch colabora con otros procesadores de papa en la recuperación de almidón. Siddharth Starch también ofrece su experiencia en reutilización/reciclaje de agua.

Siddhivinayak Agri Processing Pvt. Ltd. (SV Agri)

Siddhivinayak Agri Processing Pvt. Ltd. es un jugador reconocido a nivel mundial por proporcionar soluciones personalizadas de extremo a extremo en la cadena de suministro de papas.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Emsland Group (Emsland-Stärke GmbH)

Emsland Group or Emsland Staerke; Emsland-Stärke GmbH is Germany's largest producer of potato starch. The company also manufactures dehydrated potato flakes and granules. 

Agrana Staerke GmbH

AGRANA Stärke GmbH is the operating company of the starch division with a potato starch factory in Gmünd, a corn starch factory in Aschach and a bioethanol plant in Pischelsdorf.

Agrana Staerke GmbH - Gmünd

Agrana Stärke's Gmünd potato starch factory is Austia's only potato starch factory.

AgraWest Foods

Agrawest is a manufacturer of Potato Granules located in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. Since 2000, Agrawest Foods is a subsidiary of Idaho Pacific Corporation. 

Agrum Foods India Private Limited

Agrum Foods is a manufacturer of potato starch located in Punjab, India


AKV is a Danish farmer-owned cooperative founded in 1933 that specializes in producing high-quality potato starch and protein for the worldwide food and feed industries.

AKV Langholt (Andelskartoffelmelsfabrikken Vendsyssel)

AKV Langholt (Andelskartoffelmelsfabrikken Vendsyssel) is a Danish manufacturer of Potato Starch founded in 1933.
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Almicor Ltda

Almicor is a potato starch manufacturer in Colombia.

Alvand Starch Industries

Alvand Starch Industries is the owner of the first and the only manufacturing plant of potato starch in Iran and Middle East established in 2001, using the latest technology supplied by LARSSON Sweden.


Avebe is a main manufacturer of potato starch, located in the Netherlands. Avebe sells native and modified potato starch as well as potato protein globally for use in food, feed, paper, building, textiles and adhesives industries.

AVEBE Dallmin

AVEBE Dallmin is one of AVEBE's two potato starch factories part of AVEBE's German operations (AVEBE Kartoffelstärkefabrik Prignitz/Wendland GmbH)

AVEBE Gasselternijveen

AVEBE Gasselternijveen is one of AVEBE's three starch production plants in the Netherlands.

Avebe Innovation Center

Starch manufacturer Avebe has moved all its research activities on potato starch and potato protein to its recently opened innovation center at the Zernike Campus in Groningen, The Netherlands
Contenido Patrocinado

AVEBE Lüchow

AVEBE Lüchow (AVEBE Kartoffelstärkefabrik Prignitz/Wendland GmbH) is one of AVEBE's two potato starch factories part of AVEBE's German operations (AVEBE Kartoffelstärkefabrik Prignitz/Wendland GmbH)

Birkamidon GmbH

Birkamidon is a supplier of native and modified starches and dehydrated potato products (flakes, granules)


To the snack industry and for the preparation of french fries, Cargill supplies Frying Oils and a range of Ingredients, including texturizers, flavor systems and salt. Frying oil brands include Clear Valley and eLitra high oleic canola oils.

Daymer Ingredients

Daymer Ingredients Limited manufactures fibres, proteins, hydrocolloids, emulsifiers, starches, yeast extracts, malt extracts, and functional flours.


Duynie is Europe’s largest company active in the valorisation of co-products released in the food, beverage and biofuel industry.

Ecoagri GmbH

Started as exporter of native potato starch, established in Northern Germany, Eco Agri is active in the sales and marketing of ingredients and additives for the food processing, pet food and feed industries.


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