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Optical Potato Sorter Optica CS
The Optica CS is an advanced optical sorting machine designed for precise size sorting of potatoes. Developed by Schouten Sorting Equipment, it utilizes infrared technology to measure each potato's size and shape with millimeter accuracy.
Infeed Vibrator
Spice Application Systems is a manufacturer of Infeed Vibrator
Sherlock Food Analyser
Want seamless quality control for incoming and finished goods? Or in‑line production process control? Then the Sherlock Food Analyser‘s in‑line analysis is just what you need.
Ergonomic inspection belt
The Tolsma-Grisnich roller inspection belt is distinguished by a solid, wear-resistant and ergonomic construction.
HSI System Buteo
Newtec's hyperspectral imaging camera (HSI) provides customers with more sorting capabilities and can be used in the packaging industry for material innovation and better quality control.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Flume Systems
Flume Systems transfer products in the early stages of processing, while also separating dirt and debris and gently washing products.
Chenoa Seed Potatoes
The Chenoa potato variety from Rockyview Elite Tuber is a high-yield, disease-resistant seed potato ideal for Canadian climates.
Field Loader 240 Transfer combi
Con la Field Loader 240, los productores reducen significativamente la cantidad de tierra y residuos que se cargan junto con el producto en el campo. La razón son los remolques de volquete que pueden descargar el producto directamente en la combi.
Orienting Roll
The Orienting Roll transfers product into a single line in preparation for cutting and slicing – drastically improving performance and efficiency. Its two spiral-wrapped rollers gently transfer and align product from the hopper to your slicer in an even flow.
Drum Blancher
The Herbort 96 Drum Blancher is specially designed to blanch different kind of vegetables like potatoes, peas, rice, cauliflower, noodles, fruits (apricots) and many more.
Eqraft Baxmatic® is fully automatic filling of various bags of agricultural, industrial, and bulk products.
Crispy Cut / Waffle Potatoes (Seasoned Potatoes)
International Food and Consumable Goods (IFCG) Provides Crispy Cut Waffle Potatoes. These are made with Seasoned Potatoes.
Potato Blancher-Belt Type
The Potato Blancher is answered to preserving the freshness and extending the shelf life of potatoes.
Austin Seed Potatoes
The Austin potato variety, available through Rockyview Elite Tuber in Canada, is primarily cultivated for the production of seed potatoes. Rockyview Elite Tuber specializes in offering high-quality seed varieties suited for Canadian and North American climates, ensuring that these potatoes are certified and meet industry standards for disease resistance and yield potential.
SB 651 Receiving hopper of 12-14 m³
La SB 651 es una tolva receptora de gran rendimiento con una capacidad de tolva de 12-14 m³ y un suelo de tolva de 2 metros de anchura con manipulación suave del producto. Se pueden colocar varias unidades después de la tolva.
Silo Dosing System
The silo dosing and feeding system plays an important role in the food industry. It is mainly used to realize the automatic supply and processing of raw materials such as flour, milk powder and other powdered materials.