Roseval potatoes are small, uniform tubers with an elongated, oval, and slightly flattened shape. The skin is thin, smooth, and dark red with a few, shallow eyes and light brown spots scattered across the surface.
Underneath the skin, the flesh is high in moisture, low in starch, and generally solid yellow, sometimes exhibiting faint, pink-red veins depending on growing conditions. When cooked, Roseval potatoes have a soft, creamy, and dense consistency with a sweet, nutty, and earthy taste.
Roseval potatoes are a good source of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can help boost the immune system and increase collagen production within the body. Roseval potatoes are best suited for cooked applications such as roasting, baking, boiling, and steaming.
The small tuber has a neutral flavor, making it widely versatile in savory applications, and the red skin does not lose its coloring when cooked. The skin is also thin and edible, and the flesh holds its shape well, shortening the preparation time during cooking.

Información sobre la variedad de papa
Variety Name: RosevalRights Holder | Breeder: FEDERATION DES SYNDICATS BRETONSCountry of Origin:
FranciaYear of of introduction: 1950

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