Variety Name: DonaldRights Holder | Breeder: POOTAARDAPPEL KOMBINATIE NEDERLAND BVCountry of Origin: Netherlands Países BajosYear of of introduction: 1996
Donald is a high yield potato variety with oval, fairly shallow-eyed tubers in shapes and early ripening. The skin color of this variety is in light yellow- yellow and flesh color having light yellow. Mostly available as smashed potatoes, crips and chip market and in fresh market.

  • Cooking type: BC - Mealy
  • Maturity: Medium early
  • Yield mature: Good
  • Tuber size: Medium
  • Tuber shape: Oval
  • Number of tubers: 12-14
  • Flesh after cooking: Yellow
  • Skin colour: Yellow

  • Dormancy period: Medium
  • Emergence: Fast
  • Metribuzin sensitivity: Moderately sensitive
  • Foliage development: Strong
  • Internal bruising: Quite sensitive
  • Little Potato disorder: Not sensitive
  • Dry matter content: 24,7
  • UWW: 462 

  • Spraing:Resistant 
  • Foliage Blight: Susceptible
  • Tuber Blight: Susceptible
  • Common scab: Susceptible
  • Powdery scab: Very susceptible
  • PVYn: Slightly susceptible
  • Yntn tuber tolerance: Very sensitive

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