
Información sobre la variedad de papa

Variety Name: BermudaRights Holder | Breeder: TEAGASCCountry of Origin: Ireland IrlandaYear of of introduction: 2020

Descripción de la variedad

Bermuda is primarily a crisping variety but has potential for French fries and is also very acceptable in the fresh sector. Resistance to late blight is excellent and very good resistance to PCN Pallida.

Bermuda is well adapted to growing in warmer climates, producing high yields with few defects. Crisping scores in hot climates are good but Bermuda is not suitable for long term storage.

Tuber Characteristics
  • Shape: Oval
  • Skin colour: White
  • Flesh colour: White
  • Eye Depth: Medium
  • Dormancy: 7
  • Dry Matter Content: 23.5%
  • Overall keeping quality: Excellent
  • Damage: 6.5
  • Bruising: 6.5
  • Yield: High yields of medium to large size
Growing Advice
  • As tubers can get large, reduce inter row spacing when growing for crisping- to prevent oversize and tuber elongation.
  • A fertilisation programme as per maincrop varieties is recommended.
  • Herbicide sensitivity – Metribuzin can be used preemergence only

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