
Gary Roth new Executive Director of the Oregon Potato Commission
Mayo 05, 2019

Gary Roth new Executive Director of the Oregon Potato Commission

On May 1, Gary Roth started as the new Executive Director of the Oregon Potato Commission (OPC).
Mayo 04, 2019

McCain Foods aumenta su participación en la empresa brasileña especializada en patatas Sérya

McCain Foods anuncia la adquisición del 70% de Sérya, una empresa brasileña de alimentos que opera en el mercado de especialidades de papas pre-elaboradas.
The FC5 potato variety is grown exclusively for PepsiCo's popular Lay's potato chips.
Mayo 03, 2019

PepsiCo India withdraws lawsuit against Gujarat potato farmers

After discussions with the government, the Pepsico India has agreed to withdraw the cases against the potato farmers. In April Pepsico sued four farmers for cultivating a potato variety - FC5 - grown exclusively for its popular Lay's potato chips.
Mayo 02, 2019

McCain Foods USA anunció una inversión en sus instalaciones de procesamiento de papas en Othello, Washington

Hoy, McCain Foods USA Inc., una división de McCain Foods Limited, el mayor productor mundial de papas fritas congeladas, anunció una inversión de $ 300 millones en Othello, Washington.
Bolivia tiene 33 variedades de papa, pero baja capacidad de producción.
Mayo 02, 2019

Bolivia: Fuerte caída de la producción da papa nativa

La demanda interna del mercado bordea los 5 millones de toneladas, pero sólo se produce 1.1 millón de t, el resto ingresa por la vía de contrabando e importación.
Papas de la variedad Kawsay se vendieron en supermercados por primera vez este año.
Mayo 02, 2019

Kawsay, una papa para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y los ingresos de los agricultores peruanos

Papas de la nueva variedad Kawsay se vendieron en supermercados por primera vez este año. Kawsay tiene el potencial de mejorar los ingresos y la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades, además es de alto rendimiento y gran resistencia al tizón tardío.
PIJO, una familia de productos típicos hechos en Murcia, España. Incluye una línea de Papas fritas con mucha clase, aderezadas con un toque de limón, pimienta y en su punto de sal.
Mayo 01, 2019

PIJO, la primera patata frita con rostro, color y sabor propio

En los últimos años, el sector de las papas fritas atraviesa una revolución comercial gracias a nuevas marcas como Patatas PIJO, que ha creado una línea de patatas con personalidad propia (literalmente).
McCain Foods Portage la Prairie, Manitoba facility celebrated 40 years in business on April 15th with dignitaries joining McCain executives to officially open its new $10 million potato receiving area.
Abril 30, 2019

McCain Foods Portage la Prairie Facility Celebrates 40 Years in Business

On April 16, 2019, McCain Foods (Canada) celebrated the 40th anniversary of its Portage la Prairie, Manitoba facility and also officially opened its new potato receiving area at a special ceremony hosted onsite at the potato processing facility.
Dr. Chad Hutchinson Director of Research at TriEst Ag Group, Inc. Exposition in Potato Expo 2018 (Courtesy: Plant Management Network)
Abril 30, 2019

Chloropicrin Soil Fumigation in Potato Production Systems

In his presentation at the the 2018 Potato Expo, Dr. Chad Hutchinson discusses the benefits of using Chloropicrin in potato production. Chloropicrin increases production efficiency, profit potential for potato growers, and it also improves soil health.
Ray Andrews of Crop Systems with the firm's new web-based potato store controller called SmartStor.
Abril 29, 2019

UK potato store operators ill-informed on energy use

Many potato store operators could make significant savings in energy costs if they obtained more usage data to make informed decisions, according to Ray Andrews of Crop Systems Limited.
David Douches Ph.D. Professor, Director of MSU Potato Breeding and Genetics Program
Abril 29, 2019

Michigan State University develops new potato varieties for countries far and wide

David Douches, a professor in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences and director of the MSU Potato Breeding and Genetics Program, has been at the forefront of the potato’s transition as people get more adventurous with their eating habits.
Producers were reporting storage concerns this winter as they struggled with frost-damaged potatoes and extreme cold.
Abril 29, 2019

Expanding potato sector in Manitoba not stressing on seed, despite tight supplies

Manitoba’s potato sector is gearing up to supply an expanding industry but seed supplies will be tight after a tough harvest last season. A number of producers are planning capital upgrades to keep up with the rise in demand.


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