
SkipTheDishes and McCain Talk Spud Sales Amidst Decreased Demand During COVID-19
Agosto 20, 2020

SkipTheDishes and McCain Foods Talk Potato Sales in Canada During COVID-19

In celebration of National Potato Day and hard-working potato farmers across the country, Canada's largest food delivery app and the world's largest manufacturer of frozen potato products team up to provide consumption data.
Production problems plague Canadian Maritime potato farmers
Agosto 19, 2020

Could acreage cutbacks, drought and quick COVID recovery cause potato shortage in Eastern Canada?

Potato farmers in Atlantic Canada are worried about their supply with COVID-19 and extreme weather conditions causing complications.
PotatoEurope zal worden gehouden op 1 en 2 september 2021 op de locatie van Wageningen University & Research in Lelystad
Agosto 19, 2020

Wageningen University & Research to host PotatoEurope on 1 and 2 September 2021 in Lelystad, The Netherlands

Wageningen University & Research and DLG Benelux have signed a contract for hosting PotatoEurope 2021 at the location of Wageningen Plant Research in Lelystad, The Netherlands.
Across China: Hi-tech Potato Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation
Agosto 19, 2020

Across China: Hi-tech Potato Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation

The potato industry in Ulanqab, dubbed the 'potato city' of China, has become one of the main industries to help farmers shake off poverty.
In een paar uur is een live versie van deze plattegrond beschikbaar
Agosto 19, 2020

Het volledig programma van Aardappeldemodag Online

Het is bijna zover! Om 10.00 uur gaat de online aardappeldemodag open. Een kwartier tevoren ontvangt u per email de link die toegang geeft. Nog niet opgegeven? Het kan nog!
Potato receiving at Avebe Ter Apelkanaal
Agosto 17, 2020

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe has started campaign 2020

Today Avebe's potato campaign starts in the Netherlands. Following an unstable growing season, the first potatoes are being delivered to the Gasselternijveen location.
Agosto 17, 2020

Glucoalcaloides en las patatas: evaluación de los riesgos para la salud pública

La Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) ha evaluado los riesgos para la salud humana y animal relacionados con la presencia de glucoalcaloides en alimentos y en comida para animales, especialmente en patatas y productos derivados de la patata.
Gracias a esta máquina clasificadora podemos ofrecer una amplia gama de posibilidades
Agosto 17, 2020

GreenGoose: 'Gracias a esta máquina clasificadora podemos ofrecer una amplia gama de posibilidades'

GreenGoose es la orgullosa propietaria de la primera y única máquina clasificadora y envasadora de batata en Europa. La máquina está hecha a medida para la empresa.
Variedad de papas nativas del Parque de la Papa en Perú
Agosto 17, 2020

Machu Papa de Perú, la variedad de patata más resistente al cambio climático

El Parque de la Papa es un lugar único. Allí se cultivan 1.300 variedades de patatas, pero solo una de ellas puede dar respuesta a la crisis alimentaria.
Jonge Boeren Programma krijgt virtueel vervolg tijdens Aardappeldemodag Online
Agosto 16, 2020

Jonge Boeren Programma krijgt virtueel vervolg tijdens Aardappeldemodag Online

De eerste editie van het Jonge Boeren Programma tijdens Aardappeldemodag 2018 was een groot succes. Twee jaar na deze speciaal voor jonge boeren georganiseerde bijeenkomst komt er nu een virtueel vervolg.
The McCrum's, a 6th generation farming family, just opened North America's newest fry processing plant in Washburn, Maine (Courtesy: Paul Cyr)
Agosto 12, 2020

McCrum just opened North America's newest fry processing plant in Washburn, Maine

The McCrum's, a 6th generation farming family, just opened North America's newest fry processing plant in Washburn, Maine
Bem Brasil Alimentos - Perdizes unit
Agosto 12, 2020

Key Technology announces multimillion dollar purchase by Bem Brasil for their new 30 t/h frozen french fries production line

Key Technology announces they are contributing six VERYX® digital sorters, an ADR EXOS® automatic defect removal system, three Sliver Sizer Removers and 57 Iso-Flo® vibratory conveyors to Bem Brasil new processing line designed to produce 30 metric tons of frozen french fries per hour.


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