
Junio 24, 2008

Eastern Idaho Potato growers wondering if crop will catch up

After the long winter and cool spring weather, potato growers across Eastern Idaho are feeling the crunch on their crops. Local farmers say this year's potatoes are behind because they had to plant a little later than usual. But, now that the heat has...
Junio 23, 2008

Frito-Lay Chooses Toray Plastics (America), Inc., as Its 2007 'Supplier of The Year'

Toray Plastics (America), Inc., ( has been named the 2007 "Supplier of the Year"by Frito-Lay, a division of PepsiCo. Toray Plastics (America), Inc., works with Frito-Lay to develop innovative snack and convenience food pack...
Junio 23, 2008

MINAG lanza la campaña "Papea Perú" para promover la papa

El Ministerio de Agricultura lanzó la campaña promocional "Papea Perú", campaña que busca aumentar el consumo de la papa en base a sus beneficios. Esta campaña forma parte de las actividades por el Año Internacional de la Papa, cuya comisió...
Junio 23, 2008

Comenzo a producir planta de papa prefrita en Cuba

CIEGO DE AVILA.- La primera planta productora de papas prefritas en el país comenzó su nueva campaña en la central provincia de Ciego de Avila, y se propone comercializar unas 1 800 toneladas del nutritivo alimento. Naíl Pérez Guizán, director del Com...
Bunge to buy Corn Products International
Junio 23, 2008

Bunge to buy Corn Products International

Bunge Ltd. said Monday it is buying Corn Products International Inc. in an approximate $4.8 billion all-stock transaction that Bunge says will create a larger, more diversified and competitive global provider of agribusiness and food products.
Junio 22, 2008

Potato farmers in Gujarat set up export company in response to bumper potato crop.

About 50 farmers from different districts in Gujarat have pooled in Rs 1 lakh each to launch their own company to export commodities like potatoes, groundnut, cotton, mangoes etc. KP Agri International Pvt Ltd aims to export agri-commodities to foreign...
Junio 21, 2008

Idaho Potato Commission works on promo of Dehydrated Potato in Mexico

The Idaho Potato Commission is developing the details of a promotion for dehydrated potato products in Mexico.The details of the project are still being worked out, said Seth Pemsler, vice president of retail and international affairs for the commissio...
Junio 21, 2008

Potato Products of Idaho wins innovation award

Potato Products of Idaho, a small company that makes specialty baked potato products is the recipient of Idaho TechHelp's spring 2008 Spirit of Continuous Innovation Award.Potato Products of Idaho, based in Rigby, Idaho, makes specialty products such a...
Junio 20, 2008

T'ikapapa: Linking urban consumers and small-scale Andean producers with potato biodiversity

Document written by Ordinola, M., T. Bernet and K. Manrique. Papa Andina Initiative. 2008 (PDF file;6.2 MB). Content There is vast biodiversity of potato in the Peruvian highlands, which is not being made sufficient use of on a sustainable basis. Mos...
Junio 20, 2008

Fast-Casual Chains Continue to Outperform Other Restaurants, Says Technomic

According to foodservice consultant Technomic, the Top 100 fast-casual chains continued to be the growth vehicle for the limited-service restaurant industry in 2007, and outperformed the restaurant industry as a whole, as shown below.         20...
Junio 19, 2008

Burguer King estudia comercializar en España la hamburguesa mas cara del mundo

La multinacional Burger King valorará lanzar en España la hamburguesa más cara del mundo, 'The Burguer', que ha puesto a la venta hoy en su restaurante de Gloucester Road en Londres, por 95 libras (120 euros), informó hoy la compañía.
Junio 19, 2008

Admite EU que tal vez nunca se detecte origen de salmonelosis

La Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA) de Estados Unidos advirtió hoy que es posible que nunca se localice la fuente de la reciente epidemia de salmonelosis relacionada a ciertas variedades de tomate. El director de seguridad en alimentos de la...


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