
Septiembre 02, 2010

Bangladesh eying increase in production of seed potatoes

The Ministry of Agriculture in Bangladesh is eying to increase the production of tuber crops, especially quality potato seeds and their preservation and distribution in a bid to ensure food security and thus alleviate poverty, reports UNB.
Septiembre 02, 2010

GAIN Report: China Potato and Potato Products annual 2010

China’s fresh potato production in MY09/10 is estimated at 64 million metric tons (MMT), a 10 percent decrease from the 71 MMT in MY08/09 due to unfavorable weather conditions, which resulted in record high potato prices domestically.
 Stewart Gray
Septiembre 02, 2010

New PMN webcast: The Changing face of Potato Virus Y

"Focus on Potato"of the Plant Management Network has published a new webscast: The Changing Face of Potato Virus Yby Dr. Stewart Gray of USDA-ARS
Septiembre 02, 2010

Aardappeldemodag 2010 trekt 6500 bezoekers

Woensdag 1 september vond de Aardappeldemodag plaats op het terrein van PPO Westmaas.
Septiembre 01, 2010

More organics ending up in the basket

Organic foods are making a larger impact in consumers’ shopping choices in 2010, according to the results of Whole Foods Market’s annual Food Shopping Trends Tracker survey, conducted online in June by Harris Interactive.
Septiembre 01, 2010

Starch manufacturers Lyckeby and Emsland Group Announce Joint Venture SOLAM GmbH

Starch manufacturers Lyckeby and Emsland Group have announced an agreement to form a joint venture, named SOLAM GmbH. The joint venture will specialize in the development and marketing of starches for paper and corrugated board. SOLAM will be based in...
 Centro Internacional de la Papa
Septiembre 01, 2010

El CIP acaba de publicar en ingles un manual técnico sobre tizón tardío

El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías ha permitido a los especialistas un mejor entendimiento de la biología del Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. Sin embargo, mucha de esta información se presenta de forma fragmentada o en publicaciones que a vece...
 Aardappelgroothandel Flevostar Dronten
Septiembre 01, 2010

Jaap Kodde: aardappelaanvoer eind augustus 2010

Jaap Kodde van aardappelgroothandel Flevostar Dronten geeft zijn visie op de omstandigheden in de aardappelmarkt eind augustus 2010:
Septiembre 01, 2010

Aardappeltelers in Achterhoek lijden zo'n 5 miljoen aan schade

Aardappeltelers in de Achterhoek zijn zwaar getroffen door de hevige regenval van afgelopen dagen.
 DCA Markt
Septiembre 01, 2010

DCA directeur Kees Maas voorspelt kleine aardappeloogst

Aardappeloogst 2010 lijkt een van de laagste opbrengsten in tien jaar tijd te gaan opleveren.
 Potato Council
Agosto 31, 2010

Potato Weekly: Crop progress 2010 United Kingdom

From Potato Council Grower Panel Lifting Survey (, 23,000 ha (18%) were harvested by 27th August, compared with 20,000 ha (15%) in 2009 and 20,900 ha (16%) in 2008.
Agosto 31, 2010

Will Chase looking into Biobutanol production from potato waste

William Chase, an English entrepreneur responsible for products such as Chase Vodka and Tyrells Crisps, is now exploring the possibility of manufacturing potato-based biobutanol. Indeed, Mr. Chase believes that the waste left over from his Herefordshir...


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