Trump has chosen ex-Georgia-governor Sonny Perdue as Secretary of Agriculture (Courtesy: Flickr/US Embassy, dated 2010)
Trump picks ex-Georgia-governor Sonny Perdue as Secretary of Agriculture.

Donald Trump has chosen ex-Georgia-governor Sonny Perdue as Secretary of Agriculture.
Trump predicted that Perdue would "accomplish great things" at the Department of Agriculture.
Donald Trump in a statement:
He also lobbied to have Atlanta be the headquarters of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, a proposed expansion of the NAFTA that would have included South America and the Caribbean.
During his time in office, Perdue visited Cuba and called for more trade with the communist nation — a position that appears to stand in contrast to Trump’s calls to halt the thawing of relations with Cuba until more U.S. demands are met.
Trump predicted that Perdue would "accomplish great things" at the Department of Agriculture.
Donald Trump in a statement:
"From growing up on a farm to being governor of a big agriculture state, he has spent his whole life understanding and solving the challenges our farmers face, and he is going to deliver big results for all Americans who earn their living off the land.”Perdue, 70, who served on Trump's agricultural advisory committee during his presidential campaign, said he began as "a simple Georgia farm boy," and understands the needs of farmers nationwide. Sonny Perrdue in a statement:
"Making sure Americans who make their livelihood in the agriculture industry are thriving is near and dear to my heart.”According to Politico, Perdue has a long track record of promoting trade. As governor, he opened his state’s international trade office in Beijing and actively supported commerce between Georgia and China.
“I’m going to champion the concerns of American agriculture and work tirelessly to solve the issues facing our farm families in this new role.”
He also lobbied to have Atlanta be the headquarters of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, a proposed expansion of the NAFTA that would have included South America and the Caribbean.
During his time in office, Perdue visited Cuba and called for more trade with the communist nation — a position that appears to stand in contrast to Trump’s calls to halt the thawing of relations with Cuba until more U.S. demands are met.
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