Potato White Mold: how it spreads and how it can be managed

Potato White Mold: how it spreads and how it can be managed

This webcast on Potato white mold - also known as Sclerotinia stem rot - is developed by Dennis A. Johnson, Ph.D. Professor, Extension Plant Pathologist, Washington State University (Courtesy: Washington State University)

Diciembre 06, 2016

Potato white mold-also known as Sclerotinia stem rot-is a common foliar disease that thrives in well-irrigated, high moisture production systems and can significantly reduce yield.

The Plant Management Network (PMN) has released a new presentation entitled 'Epidemiology and Management of Potato White Mold' to help growers, consultants and extension agents understand how white mold persists and spreads, and evaluate management practices that can effectively limit plant damage and tuber yield loss.

Access Presentation

Epidemiology and Management of Potato White Mold

By Dennis A. Johnson, Ph.D.
< Extension Plant Pathologist
Washington State University
Pullman, WA
Phone: 509-335-3753
Email: dajohn@wsu.edu

The webcast, developed by Dennis A. Johnson, Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist at Washington State University, discusses how to:

  • Reduce overall fungus populations
  • Correctly diagnose potato white mold
  • Evaluate need for in-season control measures
  • Properly time fungicide applications

The 18-minute presentation will remain open access through February 2017 in the Focus on Potato webcast resource.

Potato White Mold (Courtesy: PMN / Washington State University)

Potato White Mold (Courtesy: PMN / Washington State University)

The Plant Management Network is a nonprofit publisher of applied, science-based resources that help enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops.

Partnering with over 80 universities, nonprofits, and agribusinesses, PMN provides materials covering a wide range of crops and contemporary issues through the online PMN Education Center.

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