Alarming crisis in Spanish potato sector

Potato field in Spain (Jorquera). Courtesy:
Julio 16, 2015
Spain's potato sector is once again hampered by a price crisis, with producers failing even to cover their production costs.

As explained by the general secretary of ASAJA Murcia, Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca, "we are very concerned about the price crisis affecting the potato sector, as with returns of 0.12 €/kilo, money is being lost; that is why it is vital to seek solutions to this crisis, starting with the creation of an interprofessional organisation to ensure the potato sector is supported by a firm structure."

"The potato sector is receding alarmingly in the Region of Murcia, where many farms are being abandoned, so the sector needs to work hard alongside the Administration to resolve the critical situation we are currently going through," he adds.

Furthermore, Caravaca also pointed out that "it is essential to boost consumption of Spanish potatoes and prevent purchasing those from third countries, such as Egypt, since we have exceptional quality potatoes and the promotion of Spanish products is vital."

"It is essential to put order and concentrate supply in the potato sector, as in that way we could prevent trade imbalances and consequently also price collapses, which are so harmful to producers," he stressed.
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