McCain Florenceville fry plant`s air quality approval subject to public review

Septiembre 02, 2010
The government of New Brunswick announced the start of a 180-day public participation process to renew the air quality operating approval for McCain Foods (Canada) frozen food plant in Florenceville has begun.

Environment Minister Rick Miles made the announcement today. The current air quality operating approval expires Feb. 28, 2011.

"The Public Participation Regulation under the Clean Air Act calls for a public participation process to be conducted prior to the issuance or renewal of approvals to operate for Class 1 sources of emissions,"said Miles. "This process provides the public with an important opportunity to learn more about this facility. Good air quality is a priority for the provincial government. It is an important aspect of protecting health, promoting environmental sustainability and keeping New Brunswick well-positioned to be self-sufficient by 2026."

The process includes a number of information requirements along with minimum time frames, including a 120-day public comment period, scheduled to conclude on Dec. 21. All comments should be submitted in writing.

The process covers air-quality-related issues, including questions or comments about air emissions, pollution-control equipment, conditions proposed in the draft approval, monitoring and reporting requirements and information on compliance and enforcement.

The plant uses steam to produce about 14,850 kilograms (33,000 pounds) of french fries per hour;12,240 pizza pockets per hour;and 4,600 cakes per hour.
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