BFFF: Energy savings possible in the Frozen Food cold chain

 British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF)

The British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF) identified opportunities for energy savings and the related CO2 emission reductions related to improved temperature management in frozen food manufacturing and in cold stores.

The project had support and funding from the Carbon Trust Networks programme. The investigations were carried out by Enviros on behalf of BFFF during the period June 2008 to February 2009.

Eight food manufacturers and five logistic service providers acted as "host sites"for the project. These represented large, medium and small companies that manufacture a wide range of frozen food products.

Energy saving opportunities equivalent to 4,800 tonnes CO2 per year were identified at the host sites. 37 specific recommendations have been made to host sites. These 37 opportunities fall into 8 groups:

  • Raising of Cold Store Air Temperature
  • Reduction of temperature difference air - refrigerant
  • Seasonal adjustment of evaporating temperature
  • Avoiding air temperature fluctuations
  • Splitting Blast Freezers and Cold Stores
  • Avoiding over-cooling in blast freezers
  • Using variable speed drive fans
  • Ensuring a flexible and effective defrost system

It is believed that these 8 opportunities can be replicated elswhere. Energy Savings in the order of 10% -20% can be achieved, often with relatively little capital investment.

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