Solapas principales

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

The University of Agriculture in Krakow derives its experience from the intellectual heritage and tradition of the Jagiellonian University.

At this very University, agronomical and forestry sciences developed since 1890 and young people were educated with particular regard to their patriotic upbringing.

From the moment when the Study of Agronomy was founded at the Jagiellonian University, agriculture has been permanently taught at the university level.

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Noticias de esta Compañia

Enero 11, 2021

Pulpa de patata roja: un ingrediente innovador para el pan sin gluten

El pan sin gluten a base de almidón (formulaciones que contienen una mezcla de almidón de maíz y patata con hidrocoloides) es deficiente en nutrientes y no contiene compuestos que fomenten la salud.

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University of Agriculture in Krakow

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