Solapas principales

United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC)


Solapas principales

The United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) aims to improve the marketing of potatoes via the development of better market information and analysis, and stronger communications and cooperation between grower organizations across Canada.

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Noticias de esta Compañia

Canadian Potato Storage Holdings Reports July 2023
Julio 12, 2023

Less potatoes left in storage in Canada: Potato Storage Holdings Reports July 2023

As of July 1, 2023, total Canadian Potato Storage Holdings are reported to be down 34.9% over 2022 numbers for the same period, and lower than the 3-yr. average.
Julio 10, 2023

United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) crop update per July 6, 2023: Optimism everywhere

The potato crop in Canada is in varying stages - from emergence to touching between rows. Potato growers everywhere are optimistic for the good growing conditions needed to move this crop in its early life stages.
Report of Canadian Potato Storage Holdings for June 2023
Junio 15, 2023

Canadian Potato Storage Holdings Report for June 2023

As of June 1, 2023, total Canadian Potato Storage Holdings are reported to be down 3.3% over 2022 numbers for the same period, and higher than the 3-yr. average.
United Potato Growers of Canada elect new Officers and Directors
Abril 08, 2023

United Potato Growers of Canada elect new Officers and Directors

At the Annual General Meeting on March 13th, CEO of Kroeker Farms in Manitoba, Wayne Rempel was elected as the new Chair of the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) after serving several years as the Secretary.