Founded in 1918, the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU) is the largest democratic voluntary organisation representing farmers andUFU headquarters growers in Northern Ireland. Its central objective is to promote their interests both at home and abroad through professional lobbying.
Today, the UFU has over 11,500 members. Members are supported by 25 regional offices and the headquarters building in Belfast. The Union's commercial subsidiary, Countryside Services Ltd, is located in Dungannon.
The UFU takes a close interest in rural affairs and services and works with politicians both in the U.K. and Internationally, and other groups and organisations to advance rural interests. It has particularly close links with consumer groups, countryside and wildlife bodies, animal welfare organisations and academics.
The Union works closely with the National Farmers' Union's in England, Scotland and Wales, and the Irish Farmers' Association in Dublin. Collectively the UK Unions support the Bureau de l'Agriculture Brittanique, giving local farmers a permanent staff presence in Brussels.
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Agosto 19, 2014