Solapas principales

Omnivent Techniek B.V.

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.

Solapas principales

Omnivent is an international specialist in the development, manufacture and installation of modern ventilation and climate technology for various agricultural sectors. Omnivent specializes in specific storage solutions for various arable crops,including potatoes.
Subsidiaries and Factory Location
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Noticias de esta Compañia

PJ Lee & Sons pleased with new storage for processing potatoes destined for chip shops
Junio 09, 2016

PJ Lee & Sons pleased with new storage for processing potatoes destined for chip shops

PJ Lee and Sons please with potato store built by Thurlow Nunn Standen LTD and the fitted Omnivent suction and blowing ventilation system and OmniCuro automated control systems.
 APH Group Office in Heerenveen
Enero 09, 2013

APH Group moves to new office location

Potato and vegetable machinery exporter, the APH Group, moved its corporate headquarters from Joure to Heerenveen (both in the Netherlands) on January 5th 2013.
Febrero 08, 2008

Verdampingskoeling voor de bewaring van aardappelen zinvol?

De laatste jaren valt het steeds vaker tegen om aardappelen met alleen buitenluchtventilatie op de juiste bewaartemperatuur te houden. Verdampingskoeling is een mogelijk alternatief. Dit systeem heeft bovendien voordelen voor de kwaliteit van de aarda...