Solapas principales

Oerlemans Foods Nederland BV

Potato wedges

Solapas principales

Oerlemans Foods is a specialised manufacturer and supplier of fresh frozen vegetables, fruit and potato products.

With a range of over 1,000 products and the brands Oerlemans, Keizer, Bio+ and Bauer, Oerlemans Foods focuses on the international foodservice, retail and industrial markets.

The head office is located in Venlo NL and the company has production plants in the Netherlands and Poland. Oerlemans Foods employs 740 staff.

The company processes up to 175.000 tons of food per year, with an annual turnover of € 135 million.

Until March 12, 2014 Oerlemans was owned by VION, but on that date the intended sale of Oerlemans foods to H2 Equity partners was announced that was completed later in the year.

In June of 2017, the potato division of Oerlemans Foods is acquired by Lamb Weston / Meijer.
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Noticias de esta Compañia

Noviembre 19, 2012

VION announces new course;Oerlemans Foods for sale

VION Food Group has today announced that it will be returning to its core markets, focussing entirely on its food operations in the Netherlands and Germany and on its global ingredients business.
Noviembre 19, 2012

VION biedt Oerlemans Foods te koop aan

VION Food Group gaat terug naar de kern. De onderneming gaat zich in de toekomst volledig richten op Food in Nederland en Duitsland en Ingredients wereldwijd. De strategische keuze die ten grondslag ligt aan de nieuwe koers, betekent dat VION afscheid ...
Septiembre 11, 2007

Vion koopt Oerlemans

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Septiembre 11, 2007

VION acquires Oerlemans Foods

Food concern VION is to acquire Oerlemans Foods;agreement has been reached on this by the two parties.   Oerlemans Foods is a Dutch company specialising in fresh frozen vegetables, potato products and fruit for the food service, retail and industrial m...