Solapas principales

North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)


Solapas principales

Association of potato growers in Belgium, The Netherlands, France and Germany.

Prior to Brexit, the organization also covered Great Britain.

Subsidiaries and Factory Location
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Potato Statistics NEPG countries (Excluding Seed and Starch potatoes)
Febrero 06, 2024

Growing potatoes is never a smooth ride!

In season 2023, potato growers in North-western Europe were confronted with difficult weather conditions, a high disease pressure and rising costs.
Excessive rain delays potato harvest in North-western Europe, creating new uncertainties about the total production (Courtesy: Dewulf)
Noviembre 27, 2023

Excessive rain delays potato harvest in North-western Europe, creating new uncertainties about the total production

Due to abundant rainfall, a lot of potatoes in North-western Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France) have not yet been harvested. The lifting period was too short to get the potatoes to the stores in good conditions.
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Noviembre 27, 2023

La papa en el mundo sobre el cierre del año

Una foto del mercado global de la papa de cara a circunstancias climáticas adversas en el hemisferio norte.
Campos de papa cultivados
Octubre 10, 2023

Temporada difícil para los productores de semilla en Europa afectará la disponibilidad para los mercados de exportación

La temporada de cultivo de 2023 trajo desafíos sin precedentes para los productores de semilla de papa en Europa. Condiciones climáticas desfavorables y una reducción en la superficie sembrada han provocado retrasos en la siembra, disminución de los rendimientos y una importante escasez de semilla.