The company North American Foods resulted from the merger of RD Offut, Idahoan and United II Potato Growers of Idaho. North American Foods manufactures mashed potato products and dehydrated products. Simplot markets the products of this company to the Foodservice.
In 2007 North American Foods, LLC was renamed Idahoan Foods, LLC
Solapas principales
Important notice
This page has been inactivated because North American Foods, LLC was renamed. In July 2007, North American Foods, LLC was renamed Idahoan Foods
We do our best to keep the info here accurate, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or correctness of the information. Please notify us of any inaccuracies at
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Tipos de productos que ofrece esta empresa
Noticias de esta Compañia
Febrero 25, 2009
Last years closure of potato dehy plant of North American Foods in Glenns Ferry sparks dispute
Febrero 29, 2008
Grand Forks North American Foods potato plant damaged by fire
Febrero 12, 2008
North American Foods closes another potato processing plant: Glenns Ferry
Enero 16, 2008
North American Foods Potato flake plant in Grand Forks closing
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