Solapas principales

Munters Group AB

Processing Equipment

Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

Munters is a global leader in climate control solutions, established in 1955 in Sweden. Using innovative technologies, Munters creates the most optimal climate in three business areas: demanding industrial applications (AirTech), data centers (Data Center Technologies) and Food and Agriculture (FoodTech).

The company operates 22 production plants and has around 5000 employees.

Tipos de productos que ofrece esta empresa

Noticias de esta Compañia

Hotraco acquired by Munters AB
Octubre 22, 2024

Hotraco Group acquired by Munters AB

The Hotraco group is acquired by Munters. Mooij Agro, supplier of potato storage solutions, is part of the Hotraco Group.

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Munters Group AB

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