Solapas principales

Manitoba Starch Products

Native Potato Starch

Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

Manitoba Starch Products is the leading manufacturer of potato starch in Canada. The company is located near Carberry Manitoba, in the heart of Canada, and western Canadian potato production.

 The starch is extracted from (GMO-free) potatoes processed by Manitoba potato processing companies.

Tipos de productos que ofrece esta empresa

Noticias de esta Compañia

Solanyl Biopolymers Inc
Mayo 16, 2009

Solanyl Biopolymers Inc turns potato starch into biodegradable plastics

When waste byproducts are recycled and reused, it is always good for the environment. That means potato product producers in Portage la Prairie are doing some good things for the environment. Simplot Canada Ltd. in Portage la Prairie goes through a...

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Manitoba Starch Products

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