Solapas principales

Kenray Forming Limited

Processing Equipment

Solapas principales

Brand Description

Kenray Forming are the global leader in the design, development and manufacture of forming sets for Vertical, Form, Fill and Seal (VFFS) food and pharmaceutical packaging machines.

In addition, Kenray can also offer services in solutions, Horizontal Folding Boxes (HFFS), tube closers, spares for a variety of VFFS & HFFS machines, refurbishment options, sealing jaws and accessories. Their onsite and remote customer training & Consultancy is there to ensure machines run smoothly.

Their level of experience and their ability to satisfy the needs of their global customers means they are the supplier of choice for major blue-chip organisations around the world. Customers include Pepsico Worldwide, Nestle & Intersnack.

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