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KALRO Food Crops Research Institute (formerly KARI)

Solapas principales

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) is a government research institute with research programmes in food crops, horticultural and industrial crops, livestock and range management, land and water management, and socio-economics.

This includes several activities related to the potato crop.

The governmental research institutes in Kenya were reorganized under the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Act of 2013. Therefore the institute is now known as the Food Crops Research Institute and is part of the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO).
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Bad seed potato imports hit Kenyan farmers ahead of the rainy season
Marzo 26, 2019

Bad seed potato imports hit Kenyan farmers ahead of the rainy season

Kenyan farmers are facing a shortage of certified seed potatoes following the rejection of 78 percent of the planting materials that had been imported last year.
New Propagation method (rooted apical cuttings) to boost potato seed systems in Kenya
Febrero 21, 2018

New propagation method (Rooted Apical Cuttings) to boost potato seed systems in Kenya

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Potato Cyst Nematodes threaten crop in Kenya
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Potato Cyst Nematodes threaten crop in Kenya

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Nakuru City, Kenya
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Kenya: Late-Blight-Resistant Potato Seed for Nakuru

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