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China Essence Group Ltd


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Important notice

This page has been inactivated because China Essence Group Ltd no longer meets PotatoPro's criteria of an active company in the potato sector The China Essence Group Ltd has stopped most (all?) of its production due to financial difficulties. The company is also suspended from the Singapore Stock Exchange.

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Descripción de la compañía

The China Essence Group is a Chinese manufacturer of potato starch, also producing a range of food products prepared from starch, such as vermicelli and noodles. The company also produces modified potato starch, potato protein and potato fiber. The China Essence Group is listed at the Singapore stock exchange.

The company has stopped much of its production due to financial difficulties.

PotatoPro does not longer add News of this company

Tipos de productos que ofrece esta empresa

Noticias de esta Compañia

China Essence Group issues profit warning
Mayo 20, 2013

China Essence Group issues profit warning

The Board of Directors of China Essence Group Ltd announces that the Group expects to register a net loss for FY2013.
Major revenue drop at potato starch manufacturer China Essence Group
Febrero 07, 2013

Major revenue drop at potato starch manufacturer China Essence Group

China Essence Group Ltd. , a leading manufacturer of potato starch and derivated products in China, recently announced its results for the third quarter (“3Q FY2013”) and nine months (“9M FY2013”) of the financial year ending 31 March 2013 (“FY2013”).
Starch manufacturer China Essence Group issues profit warning
Noviembre 08, 2012

Starch manufacturer China Essence Group issues profit warning

The Board of Directors of China Essence Group Ltd announced that the Group expects to register a net loss for the second quarter ended 30 September 2012 in the financial year ending 31 March 2013
 Potato Starch
Octubre 28, 2011

Sharp price drop potatoes and potato starch results in profit warning China Essence Group

Potato starch manufacturer China Essence Group Ltd issued a profit warning for Q2 FY2012 and H1 FY2012, saying the company expects a loss in these periods due to "unexpected sharp movements in the prices of potatoes and potato starch".

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China Essence Group Ltd

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