Solapas principales

British Potato Trade Association


Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

The British Potato Trade Association (BPTA) represents the British (Seed) Potato Industry.

The bulk of the tonnage of seed potatoes traded in Great Britain for both the home and export markets (between 250,000 & 300,000 tonnes annually) is handled by the 120 members of the association.

Tipos de productos que ofrece esta empresa

Noticias de esta Compañia

Heatwave to push up price of chips (French Fries), say UK potato farmers
Julio 22, 2022

Heatwave to push up price of chips (French Fries), say UK potato farmers

In the United Kingdom the price of French fries (UK: chips) is set to increase after recent high temperatures ravaged crops, potato growers have warned. Farmers said the heatwave had added to pressures caused by rising costs linked to the war in Ukraine.
Changes to seed potato terms boost confidence of British growers
Mayo 07, 2012

Changes to seed potato terms boost confidence of British growers

The British Potato Trade Association (BPTA) last week launched revised terms and conditions surrounding the sale and purchase of seed potatoes, providing growers with much-needed confidence that claims for contamination will be dealt with effectively.
Changes to British Potato Trade Association terms 'a positive move for the seed potato industry'
Abril 30, 2012

Changes to British Potato Trade Association terms 'a positive move for the seed potato industry'

The British Potato Trade Association (BPTA) will launch revised terms and conditions surrounding the sale and purchase of seed potatoes on May 1 2012, providing growers with much needed confidence that claims for contamination will be dealt with effectively.
Julio 07, 2010

Additional cases of Dickeya solani identified in Scotland

The number of cases of a potentially devastating soil-borne bacterium that could cause significant potato production problems in Scottish seed potatoes has doubled.The Scottish Government yesterday admitted it had found two more cases of Dickeya solani...

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