Solapas principales

Breeders Trust N.V./S.A.


Solapas principales

Breeders Trust S.A. is an organisation of seed potato breeding companies in Europe involved in the development of new potato varieties. Breeders Trust supports the participating companies in the implementation and enforcement of their Plant Breeders Rights protection and in the prevention of the illegal trade in plant propagation material.

Member companies include:

These companies are all active in developing new potato varieties for, among others, the European market.

Breeders Trust was established in 2008.

Subsidiaries and Factory Location
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Noticias de esta Compañia

Anti-Infringement Bureau (AIB) for Intellectual Property Rights on Plant Material
Mayo 15, 2014

AIB and Breeders Trust sign agreement with Italian Ministry of Agriculture

This week, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture signed an agreement with AIB (Anti Infringement Bureau) and Breeders Trust. The agreement means that the Food Fraud Detection Inspection of the ministry (ICQRF) and the Inspection Service for seed potatoes and seeds (CRA-SCS) will work closely with AIB and Breeders Trust.
Breeders Trust sues Belgian farmers and a French Fry Manufacturer for illegal multiplication of seed potatoes.
Octubre 22, 2013

Breeders Trust sues Belgian farmers and a French Fry Manufacturer for illegal multiplication of seed potatoes.

Breeders Trust, an organisation set up by seed potato companies to enforce proper contributions by farmers for use of proprietary potato varieties, has sued two Belgian Farmers for infraction of breeders rights of potato varieties.
Septiembre 05, 2013

Breeders Trust intercepts illegally propagated seed potatoes in Italy

This week, Breeders Trust successfully reached an agreement with eight Italian agricultural cooperatives and producers that propagated potato varieties and marketed these as officially certified seed potatoes, without permission of the variety owner.
Febrero 06, 2012

Breeders Trust wins arbitration case illegal trade in undersized propagating material to Germany

Breeders Trust has been vindicated in an arbitration case against a Dutch seed potato grower who has been shown to have illegally sold undersized potatoes as propagation material to Germany. The case is of importance because this verdict is unique in t...