Solapas principales

ARS (Agricultural Research Service, USDA)

Solapas principales

The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific research agency.

The ARS mission is to find solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day, from field to table.

Here's a few rough numbers to illustrate the scope of the Agricultural Research Service:
  • 1,200 research projects within 21 National Programs
  • 2,100 scientists
  • 6,000 other employees
  • 100 research locations including a few in other countries
  • USD 1.1 billion fiscal year 2009 budget
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Noticias de esta Compañia

 Defender: Green plants of the late blight-resistant potato variety Defender
Mayo 06, 2010

Defender: Late blight-Resistant Potato variety from ARS Research

Potatoes are America’s number one vegetable crop. Per capita, Americans consume about 130 pounds annually.
Mayo 06, 2010

Científicos del ARS ayudan a mejorar la capacidad de las papas para tolerar el almacenamiento

Científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) en Dakota del Norte están evaluando la capacidad de nuevas variedades de patata de tolerar el almacenamiento a largo plazo.
Marzo 04, 2010

ARS tests powdery scab and black dot resistant potato varieties

Americans love potatoes, consuming about 130 pounds per person annually.
 Potato chips from potatoes affected by the Zebra chips disease (ARS)
Octubre 13, 2009

Liberibacter Species Bacterium Identified as Prime Suspect in Zebra Chip Disease

Since 2000, a mystery disease has struck some potato fields in Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, and other western states, reducing tuber yields and quality.